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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. My son recently had need to visit a walk in centre, being ill but not sufficiently so to waste A&E's time. Since his last visit, some time ago, a parking charge system had been installed at the walk in centre. Not being aware of this he had no change for parking and the receptionist advised him that the nearest place to get change was the shops which were some distance away. He drove there to get some change, this turned out to be a mistake. On his return the parking machine told him he had been in the car park for under 20 minutes (or whatever the free 'drop off' parking allocation is) and no fee was due. He was unable to pay, left and thought nothing more of it. Another mistake. The parking fine duly arrived. At the moment he is going through some difficulties and decided just to pay up before the specified date to avoid a possibly greater fine later. I can grudgingly accept the idea of paying for parking at hospitals for visiting but to charge for somewhere like a walk in centre which, by its very nature, is being used by ill people often with other more serious priorities is just plain wrong. Never mind, it all adds to the GDP and allows people* to claim a growing economy. * Other terms are available. I used this to avoid politics.
  2. Perhaps she needs to build a wall.
  3. I hope we will all soon be shouting hip-hip-hooray.
  4. Goodness me. Nearly four pages since that post yesterday morning. What are you lot on?
  5. I would hope so. Otherwise the poor thing will be left dangling at the end of it.
  6. And it hasn't been locked yet.
  7. It's kept with the strategic reserve - and haven't you seen The Great St Trinian's Train Robbery?
  8. They say Napoleon had a Bernie Ecclestone complex.
  9. Morning all. I humbly report that I am no longer an early riser , not surfacing today until just before 7. Today will be mostly spent in the loft wiring. Where is my hard hat?
  10. After Brexit will we be obliged to hold 27 individual song contests?
  11. I thought it was Tenby Low.
  12. BoD

    EBay madness

    I can get away with 'stoopid sap' but what does this mean please?
  13. Why should it not be 'all on plan' just because it hasn't been updated here?
  14. I'm sure that Mrs BoD would like one for me. Especially if she could have the fire button.
  15. Sunderland's is looking pretty slim too.
  16. Actually Fort Bill didn't do too badly against them compared to one or two others.
  17. Impressive ...... ..... but then, if you play Fort William.
  18. Evening all. Another glass of wine and I'll be completely -ite ed.
  19. BoD

    EBay madness

    Schrodinger's Herring Gull?
  20. I assume they will be stopping his ages whilst he doesn't want to play.
  21. For some reason my visits to ERs seem few and far between these days. I do seem to be spending large swathes of time working on the layout in the loft. Who knows, some good may yet come of it all. I do try to keep up with your joys and sadnesses, your trials, tribulations and successes. Please take it as read that. where appropriate, your posts have been given the relevant like, funny or support from me.
  22. Their corporate advertising department does seem to have strange ideas. The scene: Liverpool's dressing room. Look lads, I've negotiated a fabulous endorsement contract. It's for men's toiletries, Wow. Is it Hugo Boss? Or Jean Paul Gaultier? I like Tommy Hilfiger. Nah, it should be Armani. Er........ well actually......it's er....... Nivea.
  23. Chinese Takeaway. £14 Petrol to collect Takeaway. £2 Some pillock left out one of the containers. Riceless.
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