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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Just picked up on your misfortune Neil. I hope that pain management and whatever has to be done to your foot works. I guess that sand dancing is out for a while.
  2. There's not much, if anything at all, that says 'model'. Fantastic.
  3. BoD

    EBay madness

    It's the one next to the pink one.
  4. Funnily enough I do subscribe to the electronic version of one paper.On Saturday, however, I buy the traditional version of a different paper. There is enough material to fill a good part of the morning and it comes with a free gift - a hernia from carrying it from the newsagent.
  5. Morning all. Time to move from the seat where I read the morning paper and listen to the radio to the one from which I will watch an extended afternoon of sport. Life can be so exhausting at times.
  6. Strangely enough Gateshead is the only town in the UK that has exactly the same number and type of river crossings/bridges as Newcastle.
  7. Ah, so my scratch builds are prototypical.
  8. Our settee is very comfortable but I wouldn't like to sit for too long on a settle. Unless that settle was in a really old fashioned country pub, in which case, before very long, it doesn't matter what you are sitting on.
  9. Good news part 1. It was the device's PSU that had gone so I e-mailed the manufacturer. Within a couple of hours I had received a reply asking for the serial no. and my details and they are going to ship me a new one. Gratis. Kudos to Sonos. Good news part two 2. I don't think there have been any more power cuts while I have been out so I am going to reset all the clo
  10. Morning all. We have had two short power cuts this morning. The second came about thirty minutes after the first and precisely two minutes after I had reset all electric clocks. The first also managed to damage a piece of equipment when the power returned, although I am sure that they will tell me that is not possible and the equipment must have been faulty in the first place. Ah well, onwards and upwards.
  11. Must be draughty when you are watching TV too. Good to hear from you anyway.
  12. ...... be careful he might be an ER and now knows who did it.
  13. I am not familiar with these concepts of warm, a bit warmer and sun that seem to be getting occasional mentions here. It was ruddy cold on my morning walk with a bitter easterly blowing. It made for a spectacular rough sea though. Watching it for a while didn't half shift the weekend cobwebs. If the tide had been in I'm sure the waves would have been crashing over the lighthouse again. The local lighthouse seems a popular stock photo now for the press when they want to show strong winds and rough seas. Edit: A search for Seaham lighthouse wave images and you will get the picture.
  14. Why is the the fact that there were no deaths on the train an uncomfortable truth?
  15. Afternoon all. Very murky here. It feels like daylight has decided to give today a miss. We have had at least one light on all day. I hope France v Scotland proves as entertaining as this weekend's other games.
  16. That's because you haven't undergone childbirth. Except perhaps when you were very young.
  17. As a youngster I had no contact with railways, either model or real, apart from the very occasional very short journey, yet I have a fascination for both. How, why, or when this fascination began I have no idea. Nor do my parents as there is no railway family history, yet this fascination must have came from somewhere 'within'. I can't explain it otherwise. Having recently reflected on certain other aspects of my life I have wondered if I lie somewhere within the autistic spectrum.
  18. Recent scientific research has shown that man flu does indeed exist and is worse than anything suffered by women. Of course, scientific research is carried out by ... erm ... Scientists who just happen to be, ..... mostly..... Men.
  19. BoD

    EBay madness

    That's a rather sad indictment of eBay.
  20. Is that little orange thing on the back a brake van, just in case?
  21. I think England have got into the habit of not losing rather than winning, if that doesn't sound too daft.
  22. If you see any locals approaching with a rope........ run.
  23. No snow here but it is raining. Where we live on the North East coast we don't often suffer with lots of snow yet there may well be a good covering a couple of miles along the coast or even a few hundred yards inland. Perhaps our ancestors who built here knew a thing or two even without this interwebby thing. Having said that, on the rare occasion weather conditions contrive against us, we don't half get it. Fortunately this only happens once every few years. I remember one year the school was closed because of atrocious conditions (not the feeble few cm excuse often used these days) but the head had to send photographs to County Hall a few miles inland because they had no snow and didn't believe us. Have a good day, whatever the weather is up to where you are.
  24. It depends how hot your water is.
  25. I wouldn't dream of bothering my GP with a case of V&D.I would just try and sit it out.
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