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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Evening all. Had and enjoyable day at Model Rail Scotland. Trains were back to normal, so no problems getting there. Some very, very good layouts on display. Wallet is moaning a bit. Met up with Mal (Purley Oaks) and had a nice chat. He's tall.
  2. Morning all. Off to Glasgow. Just hope that trains are returning to some semblance of order.
  3. You aren't allowed to paint hamsters yellow.
  4. Would that be cuff links?
  5. Doris must be moving at a fair old rate of knots. She is expected over Poland this evening. I wonder what the Polish for Doris is.
  6. Your cheeks have just turned a bright shade of rogue.
  7. Morning all. Heavy rain here but perfectly still. Am I sat in the eye? Take care whatever it throws at you.
  8. I rated it like - apart from the bit about the poor little girl - and you getting cold - oh stuff it - I didn't like it at all.
  9. I'm sure I have enough but I had better double check. Do you get credits for years in higher education? Don't forget you may get less than the full amount because you had some relief on NI contributions when contributing to the teacher's pension scheme.
  10. When my dad passed away a few years back, I phoned the council and was put through to the 'bereavement department'. I had expected to have to notify a number of different departments with which dad had dealings, but this department said that, to make things easier for us, this one phone call would suffice and they would deal with all the other various departments as necessary. They requested a copy of the death certificate but after that everything from blue badge to council tax, attendance allowance etc were dealt with without any more input from us. Some seem to be able to get it right.
  11. That's a long pregnancy. Morning all.
  12. BoD

    EBay madness

    The end detailing is ...... erm...... interesting Edit: new page - was referring to this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lima-Class-37-Diesel-Locomotive-/332130039097?hash=item4d547e3539:g:nmgAAOSwOgdYp3f5
  13. There must be more to this than meets the pie.
  14. Just been on the radio that he has resigned over it.
  15. I hope she moves along quickly then, certainly before my run up to Glasgow on Friday.
  16. Manchester United supporters are going to need longer scarves.
  17. Morning all. I am waiting for a parcel which, according to the courier, is with the delivery van and will be delivered 'before the end of the day'. So do I go up into the loft as planned or do something else. In the overall scheme of things not an important issue but wasn't life so much easier before they made it more convenient for us? In other news, whenever I put my coffee cup on the desk my keyboard loses its wireless connection to the computer and has to be moved slightly. Makes me wonder what the coffee is doing to my internals.
  18. Apparently this was a stunt and odds had been offered. He may be in trouble with the FA. A pity really as it did make funny viewing.
  19. My word, Five of the clock and still remarkably light. More cork underlay cut and laid without slicing a finger off. Things are looking up.
  20. I'm giving up on this recycling lark. I mean, here's me trying my best to fill the glass recycling box with wine bottles and beer bottles, when I notice the neighbour had put out just one measly jam jar. Some people just let us all down.
  21. You are right - Oven Mate it is. For some reason I had got it into my head that it was their own brand. Still very good though.
  22. I think it might have been someone on here who recommended Lakeland's own brand cleaner. It is very, very good. Leaves the oven like new.
  23. Look after yourself Neil and do as you are bloomin well told and whatever is necessary to facilitate recovery.
  24. Wow, what a game. Falcons were two tries down in the first five minutes and were losing to Northampton 15-24 at half time. Dean Richards the coach must have had stern words at halftime because we ran in four tries in the first eighteen minutes of the second half and five in total to their one, running out 46 - 31 winners. Fantastic. A great game and good company, what a pleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
  25. Morning all. Off to meet up with an old colleague to watch a Rugby game. I think I will go by train and metro so that a beer or two may be safely enjoyed. I may be some time.
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