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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Don't worry, help is on the way. George Osborne has applied to be the next manager.
  2. You're all just taking the peas.
  3. Oh, well. At least there won't be two Premier League teams drawn against each other in the quarter finals of the Champions League. Just goes to show though, that once Leicester got their work ethic, team spirit back together, it can do a lot more for you than having a team full of overpaid prima donnas.
  4. Not only has my short term memory gone but so has my short term memory.
  5. Sunderland haven't looked capable of avoiding the drop since the first day of the season.
  6. Andy Y has posted a status pointing out that RMweb is 12 years old today. ERs must be one of the longest, continuously running threads on RMweb. Every good story has its downside.
  7. Do you mean Ms. Sturgeon? We haven't seen Mike60..whatever... since the weekend either. He may be busy. That's far enough into poly ticks methinks.
  8. Regarding gardens. I have always been much more adept with a broom than with garden implements. Having said that, I seem to have a magical touch with pots, tubs, baskets and containers. My plants seem to flourish no matter how harshly I treat them. I don't even talk or sing to them.
  9. My barber uses exactly the same priciples when cutting my hair.
  10. Ok I'll admit it today - afternoon all. ...... although I was up early as usual, honest, it's just that life has the habit of occasionally getting in the way of things. The mild winter and 'early spring' caught me unawares and I have only just noticed various plants and shrubs shooting away before I have had a chance to prune them and tidy and feed their containers. That's my pottering sorted for the next day or two then.
  11. No midfield, defence or goalkeeper either. In fact, Aarsenal probably won't even bother turning up at all.
  12. Morning all. Well I'm sure that for some here it is still morning. Why is it that whenever I see photographs of narrow gauge railways I always think what a fine model they would make? Even if it was just one of those lovely little locos pottering around.
  13. England are holding on at half time. We will have to bring 'the finishers' on soon.
  14. I think I mentioned last year how much we had enjoyed our break in Ireland simply because of the relaxed attitude to absolutely everything.
  15. Or as a side bet on the Final of the All Irish Hurling Championship.
  16. He may have won it in a game of cards.
  17. I've clicked agree, just in case she ever sees this.
  18. Morning all Yesterday was quite unproductive. There was one piece of track, between two turnouts that I could just not get to fit correctly. I will have another go today. Mrs BoD is off to the hairdressers. What she pays for one shearing would get me three years worth. I just thought this though, I didn't actually mention it.
  19. Ferry crews are not exempt either. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/15145059.Passengers_stranded_after_ferry_crew____fail_breath_tests___/
  20. Good morning all. Sunny again here but the wind is blowing a bit more than a stiff breeze. If I could see a tree I would estimate it on the Beaufort scale for you. Baz. As I was driving I didn't get to sample any of the inns but had to make do with coffee and cake. Some of the shops are still 'closed until spring'. We had fish and chips in the Magpie this time. I first remember it (vaguely) from some fifty years ago when a day trip to Whitby was something to be looked forward to each summer holiday. Of course, whilst the roads were quieter, non were dual carriageway and non of the towns and villages were bypassed so it was much further away back then.
  21. Evening all We spent a pleasant morning exploring Baytown - the old town on Robin Hood's Bay in North Yorkshire. It is a really attractive, atmospheric place and this morning, because of the time of year, I managed to take plenty of photographs without the rest of the human race getting in my way. This afternoon was spent in Whitby, another very picturesque but more commercialised seaside town. Of course we had to finish off the day with traditional fish and chips. Stuff the diet. If ever you are up this way, two places I would highly recommend you visit.
  22. Looks like one of our quieter periods then.
  23. Morning all Sunny but nippy out. Bin day. Ian (Abel) will be pleased to know that I not only filled our glass recycling box but both neighbours' boxes too.
  24. As I said earlier in the piece Neil... .....Keep the faith. We will have you sand dancing again before you can say "Can I have monkey's blood on me cornet"
  25. Apart from more recent premium bond purchases my Grandparents bought me some when I was born, very shortly after they were introduced. Not many and not worth much at all value wise today but I understand they cost about half a week's wage back then. Those particular bonds won absolutely nothing, until the month of my 50th birthday, when they won £50. I'm really looking forward to my 100th birthday.
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