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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Slightly OT but I find it annoying that one minute their adverts are telling you that the meters are free and the next minute they are citing the cost of having to fit meters as contributing to recent price rises,
  2. A couple of years ago we were awoken by police knocking rather heavily on the door at about 2am. The house was, until that point, in darkness and they were already heading back to their car when we eventually went down and opened the door. "You haven't reported a crime have you?" they asked. "No". "This is 'they quoted my house number and street' isn't it?". "Yes" "Oh! It looks like we've got the wrong 'they quoted my house number and street again'. Sorry for disturbing you" Being only half awake we just nodded and closed the door. The only other 'my house number and street' in the force's area is some 35 miles away. We never heard any more of it but perhaps should have made enquiries or complained.
  3. Take her to McArthur Glen in York this weekend. You can drop her off and head up to the racecourse where there just happens to be ......
  4. Ah, it was that sort of counselling.
  5. e It was probably the daffodils that caught your eye.
  6. So this fuss and bother about the date of Easter changing each year..... ......... it's all York Show's fault then.
  7. Yes, I agree entirely.
  8. Shame your client's will didn't just say that.
  9. Seems to be a misguided attempt to keep up with those other people who play with round balls.
  10. Many schools have now been given the authority to set their own length of school days and holiday dates.
  11. It would have made long and medium term teaching planning a darn sight easier too.
  12. A local primary school has decided not to break up until next Thursday whilst all the others finish today. They are also taking only one week and one day's holiday for Easter and having an extra week for the June half term break. I suspect that it is an attempt to let parents (and staff) take a holiday out of peak time. I also suspect that when (not if) other schools do similar things the holiday peak times will simply be extended.
  13. She's trying to get back to Mr Gwiwer.
  14. The angels have already had their fair share.
  15. Not the 'usual' complex arrangement at Newcastle but at Carlisle. Next. Something in pink Edit. Mike beat me to it.
  16. My word. You wait ages for a joke and then two come along at once.
  17. I may be forced to buy some. Just to check that they are as I remember them, you understand.
  18. Thanks. Not the packaging I remember but the 'plain' ones certainly look like the critters I was talking about. Further research and I can purchase same for about £10 - with about £30 p&p. It might be worth that p&p just to see my 90 year old mam's face when she sees them again.
  19. Be careful or I might have to give you a slap.
  20. When I was young our Canadian relatives sent us gifts at Christmas. I particularly remember a particular sweet, a nutty/toffee base covered in chocolate. They were round with five little blobs of chocolate and were supposed to look like turtles. We used to adore these and each year looked forward to them arriving almost as much as Christmas itself. After Christmas I always allowed myself just one every few days to make them last. They came in a pink and white, or was it grey, striped box and were actually called Turtles. Sadly, as we grew older so did our relatives and these treats eventually ceased. That was many years ago now although I sometimes wonder if they are still made.
  21. Wildcard: An absolute tip. Next up: A finished 'shunting plank'.
  22. Couldn't he just state "I'm from near Benfleet in Ethics."
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