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Everything posted by BoD

  1. From the north I think the RiverTees flyover bridge is the start of the south west. Can we get back to some pictures please, it is all just a bit of fun after all.
  2. Any that don't attract enough fans/investment to cover their costs. Shame it's not a level playing field though. (Rhetorical answer - forum decorum and all that)
  3. Where's Sep Blatter when you need him?
  4. Whenever Mrs BoD starts to speak The Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves starts to play.
  5. We will really start worrying about you when you ask to see a solicitor. Seriously though, hope all is well and look after yourself
  6. Morning all. I am twiddling my thumbs waiting for deliveries. One company promised to e-mail me this morning with an hour delivery slot, and as yet has not, the others don't have that facility. I would like to go up into the loft (or tackle some of the list that Mrs BoD left) but my cloth ears mean that if I did either of those I would probably not hear anyone at the door or putting a card through and running away as the case may be. I wonder how many productive man personhours have been lost in this way.
  7. I seem to recall a while ago someone asking for a peak working a train. How about a train working a peak for the next one.
  8. BoD

    EBay madness

    When I have looked it is a carabiner clip used in rock climbing.
  9. I take it that your approval rating didn't rise at that point.
  10. Oh, sugar. I was planning on toad in the hole tonight.
  11. Sorry to hear about your friend Dick. It always seems so unfair when someone is taken suddenly, especially when they are looking forward to something like enjoying retirement. My thoughts are with you and his family.
  12. I have just ran a couple of locos over all the track and pointwork at the end of the station that I have just finished laying and wiring. It all ran perfectly first time. Not even any frog polarity wires to swap round. I usually get at least one pair of those reversed. Result!! Here endeth the railway bit. While the cat's away............
  13. Probably not. But it does explain the row of vultures sitting on your roof.
  14. Glad to hear that Peter seems no worse for wear but it doesn't sound a very pleasant experience at all. I remember when a couple of us cycled the Yorkshire Dales Cycleway and a bee or wasp flew partly into my mouth and stung my lip. Not a nice experience when you are cycling along. Fortunately I didn't have any adverse reaction although my lip felt numb and swollen for a while. Don't worry though, I bit the little b#####s head off.
  15. If enough of us got together could we make a litter and carry Neil up the track to the top station of Groudle Glen. Anything to help him cheer up a bit. Stick with it Neil, it must be so boring for you. You've probably tried all the things that you can do. I could send you the complete language course 'Larn yersel Geordie' if that would help.
  16. I was once mistaken for Alan Beith former Liberal MP for Berwick-upon-Tweed. That's as close to fame as I get.
  17. I use BoD (originally Bridge o' Doon which got lost in one of the changeovers) simply because it was the sort of thing that most people were doing when I joined RMweb. As a teacher at what was, back then, a challenging school, I thought it best not to use my real name on any social media. Also at that time Union and school advice was very much don't use it. I am much more relaxed about this since I retired and have even opened a facebook account up in my real name to share things with family and friends. Yours Seymour Shagnasty
  18. It's even forced a general election.
  19. Harry Redknapp Didn't expect that.
  20. I drilled some holes out to store drill bits but they kept falling through.
  21. BoD

    EBay madness

    ...... and you still haven't painted the Digitrains stand yellow.
  22. BoD

    EBay madness

    Four days without a post Has eBay suddenly achieved a degree of sanity?
  23. Or even at 'Uddersfield.
  24. It is days like today that I really regret the passing of the years and miss dreadfully having my son and daughter at home. There are no Easter eggs to nick.
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