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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all Full eight oktas here too and it has just started to rain. A good day for slating the roof I think. Just need to print a few scalescene slate sheets off and away we go.
  2. I've just tried to hack into the NHS system - but there's a long waiting list.
  3. I'm sure there's a good spoonerism in there somewhere.
  4. Yours, the firms or that of your Irish client?
  5. Why do you have your wife's two hip joints.
  6. Afternoon all Re the parking ticket I received on Wednesday. I completed an online 'informal challenge' yesterday afternoon. There was photographic evidence on-line, a series of photos of the car from various angles. The enforcement officer had made a point of photographing the sticky backing still on the windscreen and the ticket on the driver's seat. This morning I received an e-mail from the appeals officer which stated that the contravention was failing to display a valid ticket but acknowledging that I had a valid ticket. They said that if I sent a copy of the ticket they may reconsider the penalty charge. I have sent this off. They haven't rejected the appeal outright, which by the letter of the law* they could have done, so fingers crossed. * I know it's not law I'm dealing with but letter of the parking regulations doesn't sound right.
  7. You would only end up peeing on an outside socket or light fitting. Bzzzzzz - crack!!!
  8. You must have picked up the wrong shade bottle of varnish when you did your fingernails then.
  9. A cry often heard at model railway exhibitions too.
  10. That's on a bit too late for me.
  11. Oh dear. (Minor) woe is me. I have been given a parking 'ticket'. My first ever traffic/motoring misdemeanour. Silly thing is I had paid for a ticket and, I thought, peeled the back off and stuck it on the windscreen as you do. It fell off leaving the sticky bit on the windscreen and the ticket on the car seat, printed side down. The parking officer has even written on the penalty notice. 'Ticket appears to have fallen. Cannot validate ticket' and signed it. I have the valid ticket although the 'offence' is failing to pay AND display a valid ticket - so do I appeal or pay up before 14 days to get a cheaper charge? Fair play to the warden they needn't have written anything. Was he/she hinting that I should appeal? The penalty is issued by the County Council and not one of the national parking franchises. What does the panel think?
  12. Does Ena Sharples still get in the Rover's Return?
  13. I'm sure that if I lost a few inches from around the waist they would be less sheltered. And probably receive more light.
  14. Not half as unpleasant as the removal - especially if you have used gloss.
  15. I've just been charged with stealing coffee from Costa. Does anyone know a good Barista?
  16. Afternoon all. This afternoon I eventually managed to make a mock up of a West Highland Swiss chalet style roof. I'd misread one measurement from the plan and could I heck spot where I had gone wrong. I finally found it, a silly, careless mistake, and the whole thing fell together quite easily. The station is looking good even if I say so myself. Now to draw out and make one out of stiffer card to be actually used on the model.. I'm not looking forward to putting the slates on though. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  17. BoD

    EBay madness

    I hope Donald Trump isn't following this thread. He'll think we are about to launch.
  18. Upon further investigation I found that one item was despatched from Dunfermline and the other from Grimbergen. As I said, ours not to reason why.
  19. Afternoon all. Many happy returns to Mrs Stationmaster, if I have read your post correctly, Mike. I am a little confused this afternoon. (Not difficult, I hear you say). Last weekend, Bank Holiday notwithstanding, I ordered two items from that supplier named after a large South American drainage system. I received an e-mail confirmation saying the order had ben despatched and would be arriving this Sunday, the 7th. I thought, based on past experience, that was quite a long time for them, especially as they were fulfilling the order themselves and using their own delivery logistics. The items are non urgent so it didn't really matter. However, when we got back from shopping this morning I had an e-mail saying the second item was despatched yesterday and would be with me today. I hadn't realised that they were delivering the items separately (two very similar items from same supplier) but I can't understand why one, despatched over the weekend might take a week and the other despatched yesterday is arriving today, both using he same delivery system. Ah well, ours not to reason why. My best wishes to those undergoing and those recuperating. The rest of you can fend for yourselves.
  20. Good to hear that you are out and about a little and sound a bit more cheerful.* Heed the warning signs though, don't try to overdo things otherwise you might not stay ahead of the game. * you do. Honest.
  21. I have 2 ADS - 8fx units and on one of them one of the decoders behaved exactly as you describe. As I didn't need all 8 decoders on that particular board I just decided to let it go. It may be a quality control issue or both of us might be just unlucky. I have heard though that DCC concepts are very good at dealing with faulty products and returns.
  22. Don't believe everything you read on the Internet. I mean, that's how World War 1 started wasn't it?
  23. I suppose it depends which end the oscopy is.
  24. As an aside, what with Brexit, Trump, the election, World War 3 starting and what have you, I was just wondering.......... ........ why do people no longer have nodding dogs on their parcel shelves?
  25. Morning friends. Happy birthday Stewart. Sister Drac sated earlier this morning. Rest of the day my own. Oops, a list has just appeared. Ah, well.
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