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Everything posted by BoD

  1. .......... the green man? (That makes me cross).
  2. I think that BA are being totally up front with us and it was a problem with a surge after the power had been accidentally switched off and reconnected. Surely the person to blame must be the one who bought a multi socket without surge protection and fitted the wrong fuse to the plug.
  3. The pedants are revolting.
  4. Good luck D_M. Be positive. Sock IT to em.
  5. I did a little bit of scoring as a teenager. (I know, I know). It was at the local cricket club and jthe juniors were encourage to go along on Saturday afternoons to watch the firsts and seconds. You then had a chance to be a 'tin boy' - changing the outside of the score box by hanging the tin mumbers up. If you were lucky you were invited inside and watched the scorer and returned the umpires signals. Eventually, when you had watched enough you were allowed to score a few overs. Either way you got a free tea.
  6. That is very useful DD. Thank you. I may need to get back to you later for further clarification.
  7. Evening all. I crave a little advice from the assembled dignitaries of ER. I have, perhaps foolishly, decided to start a thread or topic about my latest and probably last layout. I have had threads about layouts on previous incarnations of RMweb, but now I discover there is a facility called a blog. Which is the better option, to set up a blog or a new topic in the Layout section of RMweb? What is the difference? I don't often venture forth from ERs and wheeltappers and so need treating gently.
  8. Morning all Welcome back DD. It is raining so I may visit the loft as I haven't done any muddling for a good few days. Have a good week one and all.
  9. For those football fans who have in any way followed young Sunderland fan Bradley Lowery's fight against cancer (and there aren't many who haven't) this was posted on Facebook a couple of hours ago. Bradley lowery's fight against neuroblastoma Sorry for the lack of updates Iv needed some time to digest some information. Bradley has been having radio therapy to help control the pain he was having in his leg. This has helped but unfortunately pain has started else where now due to tumours growing all over. On Thursday after Bradley's last radio he took poorly and his saturation levels where very low (this is the amount of oxygen he is getting into his body), because we weren't at the RVI where he is normally treated the nurse had to get an ambulance to blue light him there. Once we were there Bradley's consultant checked him over and sent him for a chest x Ray. The results were devastating, all of Bradley's tumours have grown really fast. The reason his oxygen levels are low is because there isn't much room in his lungs now. I was told Bradley has now only got weeks to live because of how rapid the cancer is spreading. Yes I knew this was coming but I thought it was going to be months not weeks. My heart is broken in two, it is too soon for this to happen, it should never be happening to start with. My baby has had to put up with so much over the past 4 years and now he has to suffer a painful death. How is that fair??? Why should any parent have to be put through this heart ache??? Heartbreaking, truly heartbreaking.
  10. Morning all Happy (55th ??) Birthday Black Rat. Happy anniversary Mr & Mrs Jamie. Happy unbirthdays and unanniversaries to everyone else.
  11. Rules? ER? When did that happen?
  12. It sounds like you had a bit of a brewed awakening.
  13. My brother in law always paid for the best tyres. He always argued that, no matter how much or little you spend on a car, if you are travelling along at 70mph* and your life depends upon that few cm of rubber holding you on to the road, you don't skimp on the cost. * other speeds are available. Edit: posted at same time as JohnDMJ but worth repeating anyway.
  14. Morning all. Here's hoping that you are having a pleasant bank holiday weekend/ordinary weekend (delete as appropriate) Grandadbob, a gazebo, large umbrellas and a BBQ. What could possibly go wrong?
  15. ...... I thought they turned it down because it wasnt worth much. In fact it was only chicken feed.
  16. ....... and sometimes I have talk myself out of buying things twice. How did that happen?
  17. I usually have to talk myself out of buying things ......and often without too much success. I usually have to talk myself out of buying things ......and often without too much success.
  18. Look after yourself, Ian.
  19. .... only if he goes to double 0 heaven.
  20. Art group? In that case I assume you told her that she was quite capable of painting them herself.
  21. Morning all. It is easy to spot that I am not a petrol head or particularly car proud. This morning I have spent cleaning the inside of the car. I am now better off, to the tune of 2 euro 50 and 3 salt and vinegar hula-hoops. At least I think they were salt and vinegar. These great riches can only be there from our Irish holiday at this time last year. Like I said, not particularly car proud.
  22. We are definitely having a bit of a heatwave up here on the north east coast too. I know this because last winter's snowman has just melted.
  23. Normally I wouldn't have cared whether they won or not. In fact I would probably have been in favour of their opponents. Tonight though, it somehow feels right that they won it.
  24. Does it get them there on a wing and a prayer?
  25. I must admit to having spent the first few years on RMweb reading his name as Old udders. Sorry Ian.
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