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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Curry in Harrogate? I would have expected at least cucumber sandwiches, with the crusts cut off. And cakes from Betty's to follow.
  2. 1. Yes, I have taken droppers from the bus to the frog wiring terminals and everything works fine. 2&3 I use SEEP solenoids and so can't comment on wire needed or length issues for Peco. I used 16/0.2 for the solenoids and have one that works 2 m away. That's the max that I have. 4. On my board there are not 7 other DCC/DC terminals just another 3 giving 4 in total. I think the 8fx is simply 4 lots of 2fx on the same board hence only 4 lots of DCC/DC terminals. I mounted the 8fx on a piece of plywood with linked terminal connector blocks/earth blocks so that one pair of droppers from the bus, via these connector blocks fed one DC/DCC terminal and all of the frog power feeds via short links. the main bus is 32/0.2 and all links and droppers are 16/0.2. Edit this connectivity may not work if you are splitting your layout into power blocks/districts in which case you may need to take connections from the appropriate buses.
  3. Congratulations Debs. Enjoy your day.
  4. Sunday night. No weekly preparation to do. No outstanding lesson plans for tomorrow. No challenging intrusions about possible future issues or difficult pupils to be faced disturbing my tranquility. No thoughts about incomplete tasks or unmarked books nagging me in the background or likely to disturb my sleep. I miss many aspects of teching but it is good to be retired.
  5. I know that people occasionally ask for a groan button but that demands one. ..... and I read through the whole ruddy thing.
  6. I enjoy a bottle or two of ale when watching a rugby match but I baulk at the thought of it at 8:30 in the morning as we have had of late.
  7. I remember that a while ago they tested bowls of peanuts that are often left on bars for drinkers to help themselves to. The results were quite horrific. Morning all. First coffee being drunk. Don't touch tea. God grief, Rick and Tony. I hope things improve for you both.
  8. Good evening all We are back from our break and have had a fantastic time. Given that you have managed 30+ pages/750+ posts whilst we have been away I don't think I will be able to catch up on everything that has been going on. I have picked up though, that some have had various things to celebrate, congratulations, whilst others have not been too well, take care of yourselves and get well soon. We spent our break touring Scotland, a place I really like (understatement). We visited many places, from the impressive Kelpies and Wheel in Falkirk to the also incredibly impressive, but for different reasons, mountains on Skye and around Upper Loch Torridon.. A most enjoyable and relaxing ten days. I have taken a load of photographs some of which I'm sure will appear in the 'Why I love the British Isles' thread before too long.
  9. They have started filming. Notice at Neptune's Staircase Fort William. Not sure what gauge it is though. Edit: sorry about rotated pics. Working from phone.
  10. Evening all. Even further north now, sitting in the evening sunshine looking over the sea to Skye. Suitable amber liquid in hand. I have not had time, nor, (don't be offended), the inclination to read all posts. Please take it as read that suitable comments have been made and appropriate sentiments have been expressed.
  11. Afternoon all. I am further north than usual this week and next. Have just seen the paps of glencoe..... she was behind the bar.
  12. So take the target and put it there.
  13. Bloody political infiltrators.
  14. Although that could be one way of ensuring a regular supply of cooked breakfasts.
  15. Your ship flew over Greenland?
  16. What happens when they run out of letters?
  17. Great to see, but I hope we don't start talking about another Golden generation. Previous Golden generations didn't even reach the giddy heights of bronze.
  18. Steve McClaren could speak fluent Dutch.
  19. Ok. Who is going to be first to mention the 12" pianist?
  20. Not that well hung, surely.
  21. And what would we give for a few of those 'everyday trains' today?
  22. Culinary tip #1: If you want an off-red sauce simply by a bottle of ketchup. Culinary tip #2: if you want a tomato sandwich don't use tinned tomatoes. The bread goes all claggy and they drip down your shirt.
  23. What have the bricks ever done for us?
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