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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Afternoon all. My word, it is rather warm up in the loft/layout room, even with all of the windows open. This modelling mojo to which people often refer does indeed come and go. I just wish mine wouldn't appear in the middle of the warmest spell we have had for a while but you know what they say, use it or lose it.
  2. Birthday, a new job to look forward to, steam trains, brunch, a pint, two lovely ladies and a Derby win. Things are looking up, Andy.
  3. I was very careful not to mention any particular nation. .
  4. Police said that at least one of the culprits cut themselves on the broken glass. Am I a bad person if I hope said cuts are painful?
  5. I have translated the entire text of the (insert nation of your choice) driving test for you: Blaw in tae this bag. Yer've failed Jimmy.
  6. Many happy returns, Andy.
  7. Evening all. Another day spent with the National Trust. (I blame you, Baz). These days are very enjoyable but surprisingly tiring, especially during the school holidays when we are quite busy. Still, I suppose it keeps me out of trouble. Enjoy what's left of your evening.
  8. As with others, Saga only act as a sort of brokers with others 'underwriting' their policies and charge an arrangement fee. I found this out when I tried to add my son-in-law to my policy temporarily in order that we might share driving duties on holiday. Last year this was done no problem, this year I was told it would be no problem, went through the rigmarole of giving all necessary details only to be told that my policy didn't allow this. The policy details and documents are all under the name of saga and all identical to last year but when I queried this I was told it was because this year the policy was 'underwritten' by a different (well known) insurance firm and their policies don't allow the addition of extra drivers. It may be that, even taking arrangement fees into account, they are cheaper but double check what you are actually getting from year to year.
  9. He was only in court for five minutes. It was a briefcase.
  10. Just to clarify the rules, is one allowed to re-use a photo, for example could the above be re-used when we get to 1306 and again when 13065 is reached.
  11. Morning all. Can we not just paint the copper clad green things yellow then everyone will be happy. Simples.
  12. ....... and the obvious question is ....... did you?
  13. When out for a walk the other day I noticed many blackberry bushes already full of ripe berries. Rown trees are heavy with berries too. Batten down the hatches. Morning all. Sympathy to anyone suffering from the heavy rain in any way. Dry with sunshine here this morning as was yesterday. Though there was a bit of dew earlier.
  14. Tea offer was still on in Seaham on Sunday. I'm quite prepared to go for breakfast again and check it out if this would be of any use to you.
  15. I think the Mr Universe competition must be fixed. I mean, it is always won by someone from earth.
  16. it made the news here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-40697952 There is a whole topic devoted to it in the Prototype - preservation section of RMweb. As happens too often on RMweb, it started off being informative, with knowledgable posts, but got locked when some individuals decided to vent their spleens and prejudices.
  17. Morning all. Now that it is Monday, have a good week.
  18. Another day helping out the National Trust. This talking to people malarkey can be quite tiring, especially when you don't like people. It's no good wishing you a good weekend, it's too late. Too early to wish you a good week so I won't
  19. You would have to peel the roof back to get in.
  20. One day God calls down to Noah and says, "Noah me old china, I want you to make me a new Ark". Noah replies, "No probs God, me old Supreme Being anything you want after all you're the guv". But God interrupts, "Ah, but there's a catch. This time Noah, I want not just a couple of decks, I want 20 decks one on top of the other". "20 DECKS!", screams Noah. "Well, OK Big Man, whatever you say. Should I fill it up with all the animals just like last time?" Yep, that's right, well . .. sort of right . .. this time I want you to fill it up with fish", God answers. "Fish?", queries Noah. "Yep, fish. . .well, to make it more specific Noah, I want carp - wall to wall, floor to ceiling -Carp!" Noah looks to the skies. "OK God my old mucker, let me get this right, you want a New Ark?" '"Check". With 20 decks, one on top of the other?" Check". And you want it full of Carp?". "Check". Why?" asks the perplexed Noah, who was slowly but surely getting to the end of his tether. Dunno", says God, "I just fancied a Multi-Storey Carp Ark".
  21. When my lump sum went into the bank they showed no interest at all. In both senses of the word. I had to research various options for it myself. I eventually sent it to a nice man in Nigeria who was offering some very competitive deals.
  22. Welcome back Andrew. It sounds like you have had a bit of a rough time. I hope the physio brings relief.
  23. Good morning all. It is sunny here and it is forecast to reach a scorching 19 degrees C later. That will probably spark a thunderstorm and that will be our summer over for this year.
  24. Not very long ago I got a letter from my GP surgery saying that according to my medical records I was due routine blood tests. I made an appointment and had the tests. Haven't heard anything back so hopefully nothing untoward going on inside. This morning I received another letter saying that according to my medical records I was due a routine blood pressure check. Is it just me, or would it be better for all concerned if ............
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