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Everything posted by BoD

  1. This business about no modelling is a standing joke rather than having anything to do with freedom of speech or 'censorship'. It was all part of the light banter which was the original rationale behind ERs in its early days. ... and I managed to say all of that without using big or little font sizes.
  2. It is my 60th birthday in a couple of weeks time and Mrs BoD has just said '"I haven't a clue what to get you, just get yourself something and that can be your present".(*) My, oh my! Where to start. * I wonder, should I have got this in writing.
  3. You can't help feeling sorry for some of those (all be it on Twitter) saying that they were expecting to go on holiday tomorrow but their flight has been cancelled or those already away not sure how they are going to get home. It seems to me that Ryanair are saying to these people stuff you, you don't matter in the slightest as long as we make our 90%.
  4. Good to see a post, Mick.
  5. So a new scale based on 1:60. What should we call it? And what gauge should we use?
  6. If you decide to go for something thin along the side of the room or a smaller layout to try your ideas on then this topic from an old version of RMweb has thirty odd pages of designs, one of which you may find you like. There is certainly enough material to give you ideas that you might adapt into something of your own. Have fun. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24472
  7. It's been nice knowing you Jamie.
  8. I originally marked that as funny.... ....but then thought about it and changed it to agree.
  9. Clear blue skies here all day and most of yesterday too. Reasonably warm. That often happens in early September.
  10. Last minute? That's why twenty four hour garages sell dying flowers. Tip of the day: don't try it. i have always managed well with varifocals. However, for modelling I have a old pair of plain spectacles with clip on magnifiers of various strengths. Works better for me than stand alone magnifiers or the round the head 'Lone Ranger' mask types. Morning all. Enjoy your weekend.
  11. Just phone Track-Shack and ask to speak to "Neil......what was his surname again? ....." Should be a detective, I should.
  12. She definitely as an eye for a picture. I wish I could take photos like that.
  13. Good to see you back, Dick. We had similar circumstances last year but not half as unpleasant as yours is sounding, so you have my sympathy and all the virtual support I can give. In all if this 'cack' focus on the grandchildren. We did. I seem to remember that you have been a rock for them in the past, particularly the young lassie. She needs you more than ever. Give her the support she needs and I'm sure that, at the same time, together, you will chase that black dog away.
  14. And frequent doses of complete Borlocks too.
  15. BoD

    EBay madness

    EDIT: and I haven't found his name on the list of UK company directors, so it may be safe to say that he is an as sole trader. You missed an important word out. Fixed it for you.
  16. It remains an enduring mystery as to why ER's isn't featured in a country and western song.
  17. Only a minor abrasion. I can see the tortoises (tortii?) but keep forgetting about their solder pad thingies. They just hang there all innocent like and then leap out at you.
  18. Afternoon all. You may recall yesterday I said that I had been under the baseboard all day without accident. Well, this morning.............
  19. Swindon? Is that further down than Leeds?
  20. Evening all. Spent most of today fettling track work and under the layout wiring. Fortunately no accidents occured but my back aches a little. For some reason I have a sudden desire to 'motor on' with the layout. I'm sure it will wear off.
  21. Each end of the Isle of Mull Railway. Sadly now closed, I believe. Apologies for quality, it was persisting down. Unusual for Mull.
  22. I had a text from a different firm asking me to call them about a product. So now instead of cold calling us they want us to ring them to be sold something that we don't necessarily want. Whoever came up with that one must be laughing their socks off because, sadly, some people will fall for it and actually call them. Morning all.
  23. Evening all. No live rugby tonight so I watched a re-run of the All Ireland Senior Hurling Championship final which I missed yesterday afternoon (your fault again Baz). A most enjoyable game. I understand other sports were on TV tonight too.
  24. Many happy returns Tony.
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