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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Before I retired I didn’t have much spare time but did start building ‘in preparation’ for this layout. One of the things I built were the signals I will be using. The first one is the small signal near the former engine shed. There are three of the larger signals for the three approaches and there is of course the junction signal. Close up photos can be cruel. Some tweaking needed methinks. [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aqjX9g8DFo&feature=youtu.be[/media]
  2. After the loss of photos jump straight to page 13 (one third of the way down) to see a brief resume and latest progress.
  3. Morning all. Following Friday night's rugby It has been a busy weekend at the National Trust. I was there all weekend. It was tiring but very enjoyable. Today I think I will have an easy day. I might even give the daily constitutional a miss in this wind. I am waiting for someone to come and give the boiler its annual once over anyway. Perhaps it will be a good day to tinker with some photos and eventually get round to starting a layout topic.
  4. I too much prefer radio over television. The pictures are better.
  5. Way past my usual check in times, indeed way past my bedtime, but have just got back from a rugby match. Whoever decided to move games to a Friday evening simply to keep the TV schedulers happy needs a good slapping. I suppose it's a case of he who pays the piper etc. Doesn't make it right though. What follows won't happen very often, if ever again, so make the most of it....... Goodnight all .....
  6. Careful you don't burn yourself.
  7. Best wishes Debs. Thoughts are with you.
  8. Did a double take on that first one. "Is it really a model?"
  9. Morning all. Just. Earlier this morning saw mists and small pockets of mellow fruitfulness too. Congratulations and good luck. I will leave you to work out to whom I am referring. Dick, can I send a load of Friendly/supportives now, in case I miss one of your sad posts. Like you, it is the innocents I feel for most.
  10. I suppose it would depend on how many people they thought would be up for buying them.
  11. If I had a 50p for every time I failed a maths exam I'd have £6.30 by now.
  12. 19300 kg per cubic meter is the figure I have seen quoted too. So imagine a piece roughly 20cm x 2.5cm x 2cm. Brings tears to the eyes. Especially as you couldn't afford to file the corners off.
  13. ... and there my Lord rests the case for the defence.
  14. I understand their pilots are charged £20 if they want a window seat.
  15. BoD

    EBay madness

    There was a similar mode of operation highlighted a few years ago now. It was suggested that they put silly prices on and, should anyone be silly enough to buy anything, then they go out and source the product.
  16. I would be swearing about it too.
  17. Send me a fiver and your phone number.
  18. I normally collect my prescriptions on a Thursday. In a couple of weeks I can collect them on the Thursday and pay for them, or collect them on the Friday and get them for free.
  19. Dealing with line side fires (or it might be just a comfort break).
  20. Does he have hydropneumatic suspension?
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