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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Congratulations Rick. When do you go on strike?
  2. I think I might give Hogwarts a miss thank you..... although it was a wizard suggestion. So now that I have accepted that it won't be exactly Crianlarich I am happier with the track work done so far. I think I applied for my 'modeller's licence' when I started counting the bricks that support the window sills on the signal box and eventually said "stuff this, life's too short". Or words to that effect. I would like to have some chance of getting somewhere near finishing and enjoying the layout. And so to more of the track laying. The station throat at the south end. I had promised myself that I would Do as much work as I could above the layout and only work underneath where absolutely necessary. That multicore cable is very useful for keeping things neat and tidy. The board and a couple of the signals in place.
  3. I take it you kept quiet tonight then. What a result........ and thoroughly deserved.
  4. Hallow'een Hello wine Sounds close enough for me.
  5. Many happy returns, Dom.
  6. There appears to be something in my eye. Remember the good times with fondness, Debs. Thoughts are still with you.
  7. How many times are you allowed to change your mind and plans as you go along? Due to space restrictions I have decided against replicating all the buildings on Crianlarich platform. The platform length can only accommodate a loco and five Mk1s. I have decided to include only a signal box (like the one at Crianlarich rather than the smaller ones seen on many island platforms) and a typical West Highland Swiss Chalet style station building. The more compromises I have to make the further it gets from being like Crianlarich. Perhaps I need to revert to the original idea of a fictional station further down the line with a 'might have been' branch line. That would necessitate a change of name too. Oh, woe is me!
  8. BoD

    EBay madness

    It's the American spelling.
  9. BoD

    EBay madness

    Two nations sepererated by a common language.
  10. Many happy returns, Jamie.
  11. I sometimes use a 'rover' type ticket either a one day one or occasionally a seven day one. I have often wondered what would happen if I got stranded due to problems with non running trains for whatever reason. What would be my position be as I don't have a specific ticket from A to B? How could I show that I needed to get back to B that evening?
  12. I still couldn't pronounce either though.
  13. ...... and available in a pub before it reached your local W H Smiths. Have you reported this in the appropriate places?
  14. Thanks to the information provided I can run the layout in the early eighties and legitimately run the locos and trains that I particularly want to. That only leaves the track rationalisation at the North end of the station to justify. I assume that was done at the time the semaphores were removed? But rule one also applies and I can revert to the seventies occasionally to run 27s and different train formations. The next step is to research said train formations. I have a couple of lists of passenger formations that have appeared on here and in magazine articles. I will have to spend some time looking at photographs to build up freight workings. As it will involve a fair bit of compromise, particularly in train lengths, I think I will aim for 'the correct flavour' rather than exact replication. Isn't that what many of us have to do anyway?
  15. I know enough to know that those who have been calling you a bandit are probably spot on. I'm absolutely fine Gordon. thanks.
  16. Must have been a bad round of golf to bring you back here, Don't worry, when Spurs beat Madrid you'll be off again.
  17. Old Banda machines don't die ......... they just fade away.
  18. I've just waited a good few seconds for the rest of the photo to load before I saw the punchline. D'oh.
  19. I can only echo what people have already said and light a virtual candle in memory.
  20. Morning all It would appear that we've all had Brianstorms. I hope no one has suffered too badly. Enjoyed Hartlepool show yesterday even if I could only stay for a couple of hours. I really would have liked to spend more time at some of the excellent layouts there. I managed to catch Baz too and have a quick chat. Enjoy your Sunday's.
  21. It was only Geography teachers who ever used more than one colour though. Priming the thing (pressing down on the plastic tank that contained the fluid* was an art in itself. A skilled operator could get more than twice as many copies as anyone else before all the ink on the master had all disappeared. * That fluid was a pretty strong solvent.... the kids still believe staff disappeared to the staff room for a quick fag.
  22. I'm fine Baz thanks. It was very minor. A brush with the side of a narrow road to pass an oncoming vehicle. Whatever got me was under leaves. Embarrassingly stupid really. One flat tyre and one with a bulge on the wall. As I only have one space saver wheel, recovery was necessary as I didn't fancy driving on a. Wheel with a bulge. I got the car back yesterday with new tyres and a check revealing that not even any wheel realignment was needed it was that minor. I will be at Hartlepool this morning after all. I will try and say hello if you don't look too busy.
  23. Two of them 16T thingies. Next - more coal. Edit: posted while above was being posted. Next - the lonely station.
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