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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Afternoon all. The sprouts for Xmas lunch were put on to cook this morning. Should be ready in time.
  2. Any of today's photos would go well in the 'Days when you know why you live in the British Isles' thread.
  3. The second branch to the north of the station (which in the real Crianlarich would be the Oban branch) is nowhere near completion. This is where I diverge from reality again - it is going to pass over a viaduct where in real life it curves away and down the gradient to the old Callander/Oban line to head west. It is the other branch to Fort William that crosses a viaduct over the main road and the River Fillan. Because of the constraints of size on the track plan, this wouldn't work, so modeller's licence has to be called upon again. The viaduct will have to curved, it works out at 40" radius and the line behind will, by then, have disappeared, possibly into a low cutting. I intend to build the viaduct as a separate scenic section to slot in at that point rather than work on it in situ. A plywood base will sit on existing framework and with careful measurement the track bed should 'join up' at each end. Now a decision. What type of viaduct? In theory I suppose it should be one of the metal girder on masonry pillar structures so typical of the line, but since I have deviated so much from the original, I am tempted to do something different. There is the attractive viaduct at Craigenarden or a smaller version of the concrete viaducts seen on the extension is a possibility. I do very much like the viaduct at Killiecrankie on the Highland Line but even my modeller's licence couldn't justify that. I am not quite sure which route to go down at the moment. Any ideas?
  4. Have you sat down and considered how much space each if your requirements listed would take individually? Have you worked out how long a real length train or 15 wagon train would be? How much space would a townscape of 2 or 3 streets take? How big a mainline terminus might be? I know there are many space saving devices and ruses available to modellers but I can't help thinking that if you took some accurate measurements of the space you have available, got yourself some squared paper, and started sketching some of your own ideas to scale, it might give you a better idea of what you want and what is possible. It would also help others to help you. On a personal note, I find this constant give me, give me, give me, with very little input from yourself a little off putting.
  5. Your heartache must be so very deep, Debs. Tomorrow, we will all be standing with you in spirit.
  6. There has been a fair bit of apple crumble on here of late.
  7. Did you hear the one about the actress and the archbishop? Oh sorry, wrong topic.
  8. BoD

    EBay madness

    According to Mr Gostude those spanners 'range in length from 12.5 to 31cm long'. A very useful set of length of spanners to have.
  9. ..... and for you it's still a lot safer than actually doing any.
  10. What do you use the second internal switch for?
  11. I now have a complete circuit with some of the signals installed on one of the branches to the north. A loco has made the first complete run around the layout and all parts have been proved working. Time to unbox some stock that has been stored ready for this moment. I can see that playing trains might get in the way of progress.
  12. And if all of that doesn't work I think I still might have a couple of police no waiting cones somewhere in the loft from my student days.
  13. Perhaps the replacements will play with a bit more passion.
  14. I hope it doesn't have too detrimental an affect on your club.
  15. Not like you to end up taking stuff to the tip.
  16. I think we are all waiting for the next 'big change' to come along so that the term modern era can be ditched. I wonder if those living in the Pre-Tops era wondered when Post-Tops would come along.
  17. .... and in such fine form too. Keep visiting Debs. We have missed you. Some ERs have even started posting about modelling.
  18. Strangely enough, that's the excuse my MP used too.
  19. And here was me thinking 'Wow, that's a good raffle'.
  20. As others in this parish, Mal, at least you can make yourselves a safe port in the storm for your granddaughter.
  21. Sadly, I won' t be able to POE but processing of choice undertaken so far; read papers and broke fast, went for a walk along the beach and through the woods, had lunch, now doing some modelling and this evening I will attend an organised firework display with family. I think I can put up with not being able to POE
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