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Everything posted by BoD

  1. My first mode of transport was an old roller skate and a Beano Annual. I later progressed to a proper bogie with small pram wheels at the front and big 'uns at the back. Some here will understand this.
  2. I thought your local lass was Gracie Fields.
  3. We used to have a member who claimed to be called Hugh Janus. If that was true I think he'd had a bum deal.
  4. I'm just pleased that there isn't an emoticon thingy for willy waving. ... and if there is one out there, no, I don't want to see it thank you very much.
  5. Of the prime type, please.
  6. You're not telling me that they have found him after that African rally? That is bad news.
  7. Can't you sleep during the game?
  8. If Debs doesn't exist does that mean we can talk about railway modelling?
  9. The tunnels were where the railway passed from the South dock to the North dock (on the left) and out on to the pier and along a beach(on the right). I believe that apart from serving the docks this railway along the beach served a battery during the war. There is a video showing the railway but it is embedded in facebook and I am not sure if you will be able to access it. Here is a link anyway. https://www.facebook.com/colin.barratt.7/videos/1577164262323345/ Edit: Here it is on youtube. It is the first few seconds where you can see the dock railway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGiZ7qlukVM
  10. The last dozen or so posts have been quite inspirational. Fantastic work.
  11. ....... but really looking forward to going deaf.
  12. Hope you didn't make her try the soldiers leap.
  13. The 'Turning the tide' project has made a great difference. I remember the rock pools teeming with sea life until they started bringing in sludge tankers from all over the county and dumping it off the coast here. Earlier this summer my grandson and I were able once again to search the rock pools and enjoy the thrill of finding plants and animals.
  14. That is good news. Very relieved for you. It's nice to get some cheerful news in ER's
  15. End of the line in Cumbria. Next. How about end of the line somewhere on the west coast.
  16. Slightly OT but there are (allegedly) precious stones yet to be found in the Northumberland hills after the tragedy that was Lockerbie.
  17. Because ResussyBilly sounds really daft.
  18. I've noticed that three things happen as you get older. Firstly, your memory goes.
  19. My dad built Hartlepool power station. Well, to be honest, I think it was him and a few others.
  20. Ah, that sheds light on it.
  21. Probably too late now, but after installing a decoder always try to read it on a programming track before using it in anger. A fault will be evident without damaging the decoder.
  22. I wonder if SWMBO would like one of those around the living room.
  23. Those toes won't go with the blue trousers, whatever you say.
  24. You mean you still have enough digits left to cross?
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