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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Talking of silly prices, recently I was pleased to see that a bottle of a particular whisky was on sale for nearly £1000. A few years ago I had the forsight to buy three bottles of this whisky, all of which I still have unopened.
  2. Today I started unpacking boxes of stock that I have built up over the years in anticipation of building this layout. Most of it fits in perfectly but there were also quite a few 'now why on earth did I buy that' moments too. For some reason I have complete rakes of Mk1s in maroon too. Upon reflection some stock may have to go to E-bay or be donated to local clubs for their stalls. Others will remain for those rule one moments. I have enough coaches to make up realistic(ish) trains. The main deficiency seems to BSOTs but I have a couple or three bodies ready for conversion. There will be a lot of detailing and weathering to keep me going well into my dotage...... and I haven't even started to think about the freight.
  3. If you think things are bad now just wait until the bring out the driverless autonomous rucksack.
  4. Does the Gaugemaster not allow you to specify whether each function is latching or momentary.
  5. I'm not too sure the rightful owner would want it back. I wasn't quite sure if the URL did contain an actual story or if it was simply part of the conventions used to name web pages in Australia.
  6. There are still plenty in the window.
  7. One and half grand for a saw?
  8. That is good to hear. I used to enjoy the photographs from his regular cycle rides.
  9. Unfortunately Rick, that link takes me to a members only area and a page asking me to subscribe. However, you can get the general gist of the story by reading the full URL. .heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/two-men-caught-dancing-around-stolen-pot-plant-engaging-in-lewd-act-at-flinders-st-station/news-story/7436fa975245a26d849f32ed864e0437"
  10. Morning all. Our son's birthday is Dec 10th and daughter's is Jan 4th. When they were young and at home we always put the decorations up for one and took them down after the other. I'll let you work out which. That seemed to set a reasonable time span for them to be up. The crib scene never gets put away before the arrival of the three kings on 12th night, although the fact that they spend the whole festive season hiding behind the manger and can occasionally be seen peeping out does somewhat spoil the surprise. This year my daughter has had hers up over a week and is insisting on helping us put ours up this coming Saturday. Where did we go wrong?
  11. Oh dear. Mrs BoD has just intimated that she wants the Christmas cards (bought in the January sales, of course) down from the loft. I may be some time.
  12. Is that what's known as a left handed screw?
  13. It's easy to tell a lowland haggis. Their legs are all the same length
  14. Black Friday is so yesterday.
  15. That looks a very useful website.Good find. Edit: Now need to go and have another look at the photo of Princess Louise.
  16. In one book I have there is a photograph of 46208 in maroon in 1962. The book shows photos of all the other locos of that class, taken around that time, and by then only the two you mentioned are also in maroon.
  17. My son's black Labrador is called Clayton.
  18. Interesting cars the 2CVs. Unusual gear stick, took a little bit of getting used to, How did you find the engine? Easy, I just took the air filter off and there it was. Roll the roof back, lift out the seats through the roof and you can take your cow to market.
  19. Afternoon all from a rather soggy BoD in Edinburgh. No one else seems to want to do the open top bus tour.
  20. Morning all. Enjoying breakfast on the east coast mainline on way to Edinburgh for the day. Have got brollies and water wings.
  21. I quite like the extension at Kings Cross. Next; The oldest piece of infrastructure of which you have a photo.
  22. Rick's memorized that already.
  23. Goodness me. That's quite a list. In forty years of driving I've had seven and a half cars.
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