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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Congratulations and supportive thoughts in equal measure, Rick. DD, thoughts too, to you and Mrs DD.
  2. It should be a breeze, Rick. But good luck anyway. p.s. no need to thank me for this post you have enough on your plate at the moment. p.p.s and you still find time to help the neighbours - amazing.
  3. I did originally think Lofty McLofthatchface but thought that a little too cruel.
  4. This is looking very good. Well done.
  5. Thy name shall henceforth be called Lofty.
  6. Complete with a new Chinese blessing. May you have a long life and minimal droop.
  7. Evening all I have just fitted a decoder and remembered to slide the heat shrink sleeve on before I soldered. ......and on every wire I did too. That's a first for me. Apropos of absolutely nothing. I read today that each adult eats on average 27 mince pies at Christmas. Someone, somewhere is eating an awful lot of them because I certainly don't. Have a great weekend whatever you are up to.
  8. Could be used for spares too.
  9. I think Manchester City players should tell Mourinho than nobody threw that carton of milk, it just fell over in a light wind.
  10. ...... and sadly you still have to look forward to some of the 'I want it now' brigade not appreciating your efforts and phoning up to complain. If you want to, you are more than welcome to forward their calls to me as I am quite willing to deal with them in a way in which your good manners precludes.
  11. Could someone kindly explain the meaning of 'crank' in this context?
  12. Sounds like you are going through a sad time at the moment Ian, with added, unwanted stresses. Rest assured that you have our sympathy and all the virtual support we can muster.
  13. I read that as genital track.com. I suppose there might be some who would find that service useful.
  14. A text saying that a parcel will be delivered today was the best level of service the post office could manage. Meanwhile, both Mrs BoD and myself have been within earshot of the door when she received a text saying we were unable to deliver please collect from sorting office with card that was pushed through door. Had a look - no card through door. When we looked 15 minutes later a card had been pushed through. The card was soaking wet. It had stopped raining about an hour ago. Jerkpuffins.
  15. So, you don't waste a day going out shopping and do it on line. Then you have to waste several days waiting in for deliveries or make numerous trips to sorting offices. How does that work?
  16. Go on John, push the boat out and have three sugars in celebration of the day. Many happy returns.
  17. Saw this the other day and was reminded of a particular ER.
  18. Evening all. Today has been an enjoyable shopping day. Now normally that statement would be, at best a plea for sympathy, or at worst an after the fact statement that I am mentally unhinged. However, once a year, around this time, we have a father/daughter day which we spend doing 'my' Christmas shopping, having lunch out, looking at Fenwick's windows (you explain Baz), enjoying the Christmas market, gazing at the Christmas lights through rose tinted specs and generally being as far from 'Bah, humbug' as we can. Never mind, tomorrow, normal commercialism will be resumed.
  19. So in the UK we have AA fitted car batteries and in the US they are AAA fitted. I thought everything was always bigger over there?
  20. I'm back afte picking the wanderers up from the coach drop off. 12 hours from just outside London to Sunderland including 4 hours for the first 30 miles. Ouch. At least they got to see the show and had a fantastic time yesterday.
  21. How do you think they survive those harsh, long winter evenings in the Welsh hills?
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