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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Good to see you back DD. Hope all is as well as is can be down your way.
  2. A tip Next - another on the same theme.
  3. Does that mean it's your Birthday Mike? If so many happy returns. If not, you can save the happy returns and claim them back later.
  4. BoD

    EBay madness

    And with lots of photos all from ..... erm.... the same angle.
  5. Evening all. Just settling down with a cheeseboard, a glass of port, ClassicFM and .... erm.... The Broons book. It's traditional.
  6. ...... that's 4036 sugars.
  7. Happy new year to one and all. May all your signals be on green.
  8. I'm really enjoying this topic, especially as I'm having a go at something Crianlarich (ish) myself. I wish I had a bit more space like you to do more of the line.
  9. It's only small but it's very nice.
  10. Something from The Merioneth and Llantisilly Railway Traction Company Limited?
  11. I see that after failing at Rangers, Mark Warburton has now been sacked by Nottingham Forest. Wasn't he thought at one time to be the best thing since sliced bread?
  12. Did you ever manage to tie that piece of buttered toast to Robbie's back?
  13. You could always use them on your barbeque.
  14. I have used Evostik Rapid (other makes available etc) to stick Sprat and Winkle brass plates to the plastic on the underside of wagons. It is the two tube resin and hardener type glue. It sets fairly quickly but not instantly, giving you time to adjust positioning of parts. The longer you leave it before application the more viscous it becomes giving you greater control over the positioning.
  15. What a charming little layout. As others have said the back scene is very effective.
  16. Morning all I hope that the last few days have been as relaxing and pleasant for you as various circumstances allow. You have my continued supportive thoughts though, where they are needed. Moving on. Has any one fathomed out how our esteemed utility companies calculate payments. I can't. They have recently read our meters (we are duel fuel from the same supplier) and completed our 'yearly review'. They ended up repaying us £70. Our predicted cost for next year, based on usage, is the same as last year, They have put the monthly payment up by £20. How does that work? Do they have price rises already planned? I think I may well be contacting them to ask them to justify this.
  17. I remember building an Airfix model of the Saturn V I got as a Christmas present many moons ago (see what I did there?). The finished model was impressive but I was distinctly underwhelmed when building it. There were not that many parts or that much detailing. When you think about it though, there wouldn't be.
  18. Evening all. Back home now after a most pleasant day with the close family all gathering at my daughters house for lunch and then on to visit my sister and her family earlier this evening. The visit to my sister's had to be a little quiet as her daughter was in bed. She qualified as a doctor earlier this year and is now a junior doctor. She was supposed to be on duty 8am till 8pm today but 4 hours into her shift she was told that there was no SHO available tonight so she had to fill in and do 8 this evening until 8 in the morning in a more responsible role that she normally undertakes. She obviously needed to grab some sleep. Like most of us, I have heard dreadful stories about junior doctors working conditions and NHS shortages but this really brought it home just how bad things are. I worry that she may have to make important decisions in such conditions. I do believe there are a couple of bottles of Doom Bar in the fridge. Shall I or shan't I.
  19. I have cousins who live in Calgary but always go down Mexico way at this time of year. Can't say that I blame them.
  20. A lovely little layout Andy. One of my favourite areas too. What plans do you have for the back scene?
  21. Being able to fit just a loop to locos was one of the reasons I considered Sprat and Winkle. As far as I can see the loop itself can be relatively unobtrusive compared to some other methods, allowing you to fit full buffer beam details. (I'm talking mostly diesel here). I was also looking at the possibility of using the loop to couple to the hook on a tension lock coupling and having these at the end of rakes of coaches. Has anyone tried this? Passenger trains will be not change their consist very often if at all. That would leave me to identify locos that would be used on freight workings and fit just loops to both ends of them. I am also busy trying to work logically through freight wagons/trains seeing if I can get away with most wagons having a hook at just one end but still allowing shunting flexibility. Some wagons would need to have hooks at both ends but I think most could do without.
  22. Not much one can say John, just offer them my thoughts and hopes.
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