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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Get well AndyP. Hope you are back home soon. My main computer and laptop have been running what seem to be quite large updates. I wonder if the Intel chips will be noticeably slower from now on.
  2. C'mon then. Spill the beans, we can't have you two having all the fun.
  3. Thank goodness for that. At least my email box won't be overflowing with new post notifications. Do post some pics when your 'simple oval' Is finished though.
  4. Evening all. Just got back. It was a long day. Just settling down to a tassedecafe. Strangely when we got back there was one of these 'Sorry we have missed you notes, but we have left your parcel with a neighbour'. On checking the details they have left it at number 4........ ..... we are number 4!!
  5. Still shopping. No end in sight. Send reinforcements.
  6. I hate shopping. Just saying, like.
  7. That is nice and clean.
  8. Welcome to the forum Kevin. I'm on the coast in Seaham. Some topics here can lead to raised hackles but people are still very friendly are always willing to help and support.
  9. You would probably be able to include the whole of Blücher's Prussian Army too. Might not go down too well in a shed in France though.
  10. Morning all. Talking of computers my hard drive started making a noise last night each time I loaded a photograph. I've not heard that before. I will have another listen in today. Other than that Sprat and Winkling continues, although I may have been nominated to take the grandson to the dentists after school. Have a good day.
  11. https://allaboutlemon.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/lost-puppy.jpg
  12. Are we tired of decay yet? No? Ok then. keep going.
  13. It has always been said that a common cold will clear up in a week. With treatment though, it will be gone in seven days.
  14. I will be doing something else as Strictly Come Falling Over on Ice is on the other side. As we only have one TV and Mrs BoD has preference (except when the Rugby is on) I will have to wait and watch it later. DD. When we were on holiday in Scotland last June we saw the first few sections of 'track' alongside Neptune's Staircase on the Caledonian Canal near Fort William. Since then I have wondered if they ever did get it finished. As there are more programmes to follow I have to assume that they did. Have a good day peoples.
  15. What about the getting pregnant part then?
  16. My laptop did that the other day but sorted itself out a day later after a couple of shutdowns.
  17. My wife just stopped, and said “You weren’t even listening, were you?” I thought to myself, “That’s the third time she's started this conversation......”.
  18. It would be so nice if they could all just say 'whoa' re their ailing.
  19. Hopefully. at some time in the very near future, you will be able to compare scars on here. Only joking Debs. Thoughts continue to head your way.
  20. Morning all. Thoughts are still with those in need of them.
  21. BoD

    EBay madness

    There have been examples in the past of a particular sales model when common items were placed on e-bay at really inflated prices. Apparently the vendor did not have any actual stock but if any one was gullible enough to buy at their silly price they simply went out and bought one at normal price to sell on.
  22. Look after yourself Debs. Like others, we are thinking of you.
  23. Yes, it always pays to know if the decoder is fitted by the manufacturer of the loco or who's sound project is Installed on the decoder. Try checking the manufacturer's sites they often have downloadable versions of their instructions. At least you will be able to do it in the warm.
  24. I don't think I've ever bought a decoder or sound fitted loco that doesn't come with a list of the Function buttons and their use/associated sounds.
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