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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I can assure you that these particular wagons are not going to go anywhere on their own. The more I think about it the more disappointed I am that a relatively recent model should be designed in such a way thet they require 'treatment' before they will run freely enough to make a rake of more than a couple of them viable.
  2. I hope all goes to plan, Jamie.
  3. I have tried rubbing the axle and the plastic U with a soft 3B pencil. It has eased running a little so I may try the graphite powder suggested above. It's a pity about this as, apart from this issue, the model looks good. Does the powder easily stay in place or is this going to be a never ending task? Still it means I've a rake of wagons that not only squeaks and groans like the real thing but also leaves its own stain on the ballast. What more could one want?
  4. Do you get some kind of buzz from doing that?
  5. Condolences to you and your family DD.
  6. A mere 'Agree' doesn't do those sentiments justice at all.
  7. I can understand that point of view. I have some of the Bachmann ones too and the difference between the two is incredible. Very disappointing really.
  8. A search revealed this old thread. Over the last few years I have been collecting stock in anticipation of having somewhere to run them. I have reached that stage and today unpacked some of these Hornby OTA timber wagons. To say I am disappointed with the running of the is a massive understatement. As pointed out above they aren't pinpoint axles but run (run? that's a laugh) in a plastic axle housing. When pushed by hand they only moved a few cm. When turned upside down and the wheels spun they seem to run out of true. Even after a running in period of about 30 minutes they still squeak and grind and have a very high rolling resistance compared to every other wagon I own. It seems I'm not the only one who has had issues like this. Was it a known issue at the time of their release? Has anyone solved this problem effectively? I'm wondering if dismantling them and applying a little of the white grease I use on the ball bearing races on my cycle might improve things. Any thoughts?
  9. BoD

    EBay madness

    Ah, but I'd heard the manufacturer is difficult to deal with.
  10. When you compose a letter of complaint to the utility company don't forget to make a formal list of things you would like them to do. Some examples off the top of my head; please confirm that you have notified the debt company that the debt was posted in error and that they have consequently harassed a person who was innocent of debt. confirm, with proof, that my credit rating has not been affected in any way. acknowledge the totally unnecessary stress and inconvenience caused to me (and my family?) I'm sure you could improve this and think of others but you get the general gist of it.
  11. Napoleon's horse was called Marengo. Speaking of which, I couldn't give a monkey if they want to lend us the Bayeux Tapestry, I don't want it. Let's send them Waterloo Station - see how they like it. And as for the rest of your post, what a load of tosh. Couldn't disagree more.
  12. Even a quick click on 'thanks' is often all it takes.
  13. Good to see that you are nearly there health wise. Enjoy your modelling and your wine.
  14. How about a 4 coupled? Allenheads Inn, Northumberland. Next: More stuffed and mounted.
  15. Shouldn't that be Grampi? Still very nice though.
  16. Afternoon all. Just back from an afternoon with family and friends at an aunt's funeral. It was a happysad occasion, after all, she did get her message from the queen three years ago. It's strange though, how many people agree that we mustn't wait until the next funeral before we meet up again.......... and the next time you see them is.......
  17. It doesn't sound very good when things have come to that - you have my sympathy - but don't forget to tell them that the call may be recorded for training purposes.
  18. BoD

    Copying CV values

    What do you mean by 'not as nice'. If you are talking about the sounds themselves these depend on the sound project as loaded by the supplier/developer. They are a different thing to CVs which are used to control how many things, not just sound, work on the decoder. Normally you cannot copy a sound project so copying and overwriting the CVs will not alter the actual sounds available. In your example earlier if one DMU does not have a brake sound to start with then copying CVs will not make a brake sound magically appear. If there is a brake sound in the second project then CVs may change when and how it works. There is no guarantee though that the same CV settings will work the way they do in the first decoder when you copy them to the second. In fact I would imagine that it is extremely unlikely.
  19. Many happy returns, Mick.
  20. Or you have a cached page. Have you tried delving further into the site?
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