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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Can I echo your thanks to Jeremy. Very interesting. I too will have to change the way I operate when in ‘manual mode’. Setting the layout to run automatically under computer control (just to watch trains go by) is going to take some thinking about.
  2. Green. That sums up my knowledge, I’m afraid. I’m hoping that someone can ID them for you too.
  3. I misunderstood, sorry. I though your photograph and comments about Peco’s micrometer were showing that there was a dead section of exactly the same length as the wheelbase.
  4. On a unifrog point the frog can be wired and switched to change its polarity. This would solve your problem with the short wheelbase loco. Had you thought about this and rejected it for some reason? Also, it is harder to do this in retrospect once the track is laid, but not impossible.
  5. I have been under the baseboard doing some re-wrangling and just did a 'grandadbob'. Actually, I'm quite jealous. I wish i was famous and had something named after me.
  6. Morning all. It is raining at the moment. Matches the mood as we are off to purchase paint for the kitchen and associated lobby/utility room. Given the fixed colour of the kitchen units and splashbacks there will be a limited choice of pallete. Do we go for a specially mixed up esoteric shade like ‘Autumn Cornfield Yellow suffused with Honey Orchid White’ or stick with Magnolia or something similar off the shelf. Decisions, decisions.
  7. You did Chile? Do you know Slartibartfast? He does fjords.
  8. That looks absolutely awful Rick. Can’t understand what you see in it.
  9. We’re you at Model Rail Scotland earlier this year. If so, we had a chat without me realising it was you.
  10. We used to call them fritters. We didn’t even have to specify that they were potato fritters, we couldn’t afford anything posh like spam.
  11. Im sure there was a layout depicting the Great Train Robbery in a tent like that. To be fair, it was more than just a layout it was an informative display. There was an odd shaped narrow gauge one too, although I think the black drapes were as much to control the viewpoints as much as the lighting. Very popular on the circuit at one time, so popular in fact, that I’ve forgotten its name.
  12. Happy anniversary Mr & Mrs Gwiwer.
  13. Drivers (and secondmen) that can walk from one end of a diesel loco to the other when necessary. Or at least disappear from one cab and reappear in the other. Why have I suddenly started thinking about Scott and Virgil in Thunderbirds?
  14. I hope England don’t meet any of the ‘big boys’ in this tournament. It will all be rather embarrassing.
  15. … but what happens if the cat eats the cake?
  16. Thank you for all the happy birthday wishes. My daughter agreed to a shift swap so today was spent playing with our grandson. He took us out to lunch - but being only two and a half forgot to take his debit card and had to borrow mine. He then took me for a walk in the local park where we found the slide, swings, climbing frames and sandpit. Tonight Valerie and our daughter have gone off to see Annie with someone from Strictly Come Dancing playing Miss Hannigan. They did mention a name, it meant nothing to me, but they seemed to be quite looking forward to seeing him as her. However… That leaves me at home. Alone. With rugby on TV. A couple of bottles of decent ale in the fridge. Possibly a glass of malt later. I’ve had worse birthdays.
  17. You need one fewer than the total number of that class. In that way you have an excuse to keep looking for the missing one.
  18. …. and by golly it does you good.
  19. You mean it’s not available on prescription?
  20. Of course you will let us know when it actually happens so we can all keep our fingers crossed (or whatever we do) at the time. In the meantime I hope that they can do something positive to alleviate the pain.
  21. I’ve just asked our washing machine and it said not.
  22. Only very subtle weathering needed there. Sometimes just as hard to do as the more dilapidated look mentioned earlier.
  23. This cropped up in a discussion elsewhere. For some reason, can’t possibly think why, I thought of some here.
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