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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Many Happy Returns, Chris. Well, at least as many as it takes to finish your work on this planet and then maybe a good few more added as a reward.
  2. Lice have developed a new super resistant strain. It's got scientists scratching their heads.
  3. Me too. Mike obviously can't count.
  4. I have sailed on something larger than a rowing boat................... the Shields' Ferry.
  5. I once went on a rowing boat on the River Wear in Durham City. Passengers 3. Crew me.
  6. Condolences, Tony, Aditi and Matthew. It is always sad when we lose a member of ERs.
  7. Would it not be simpler just to connect him to one of your machines and see how he measures up?
  8. What a great selection of photos today. Once again, thank you for sharing.
  9. Not long after I posted above, the power grid workers stopped scratching and posted letters through all the doors in the street. They explained that the planned power outage had been cancelled and that 'just prior to the work starting unspecified technical problems were discovered'. What surprised me a little was the fact that letters were on proper headed paper, personalised and neatly folded in envelopes. Do these vans carry stationery and a printer for such occasions?
  10. Morning all. Our electricity went off at 9 this morning. Or at least it should have according to various missives we have received over the last week or two. A couple of power company vans have been parked at the end of the road since then but they can't carry out planned work because of cars parked where they need to be. You couldn't make it up. I am waiting for a package from the island that is home to a very good bone surgeon. At least I can get on with something useful. Edit: I have just checked the power grid website and they have cancelled today's planned work. Vans and crew are still mulling about though scratching heads and other parts of their anatomy.
  11. Fort William avoided defeat tonight.
  12. I have just made and served a very nice pasta dish for our St Valentine's day meal. It was The St Valentine's Day Moussaka.
  13. Glad to be of help. Their kits aren't expensive and you probably have the necessary tools to hand. As you say, nothing to lose. Counting the lattices is a lot easier than counting bricks - which is why all of my buildings and layouts end with -ish these days.
  14. Who is going to be First. Perhaps with a Flying start.
  15. Weren't you there in the earlier ones? The view of the station throat from the keep is a lot less complex than it used to be. A pity really as it was one of the classic railway views.
  16. I haven't had a pancake for years. Nothing particularly against them we have just never bothered. All of this talk here is making me quite fancy one.
  17. I hope they've all been provided with gum boots and clagoules.
  18. This poacher is no more. Ee 'as ceased to be.
  19. Hi Rob. I’ve just had a look through my photographs and normally I take shots of work in progress but for some reason I don’t seem to have done so here. However I can describe roughly what I did and which parts I used to achieve the look. I know people always say this, but honestly, it’s not too difficult once you get into it. I had no experience of such things but quickly learned the techniques and was surprised at the results. Have a go! It really is amazing what a difference appropriate signals make to a model, in my opinion. You are correct in assuming it is MSE parts. The signal arms and other post fittings came from their upper quadrant signal parts kit. The posts were made from etches of their Stevens & Co Lattice posts and dolls. The platform for the bracket signal was made from some generic parts I had acquired over time. I also purchased brass ladders and the appropriate finials from them. If you look online at MSE’s instructions for a complete kit they are quite comprehensive. They can be downloaded. I also found ‘Constructing and Operating Semaphore Signals’ by Mick Nicholson a useful general introduction to the techniques. As to the building I found that the most difficult part was folding and soldering the lattice post itself. Although with care and a bit practice it gets easier. Tinning the edges and using the jigs provided makes the soldering fairly straight forward. If you buy the tallest of the MSE posts you can cut it down to the required height. I did this just by counting the lattice diamonds on photogaphs rather than using actual measurements. The arms are quite easy to make being mostly a cut out from the etch job. Although you do need to solder a piece of brass rod to act as the joint to the arm. The spectacle glass can be bought from MSE and although fiddly is not difficult to fit. A different signal but you can see the idea. The signal arms are hinged using brass tube soldered onto the signal post. Other features such as the lamp bracket are also soldered on. The various methods are seen in this photo although the post is a newer round type the principles are the same. It looks a bit of a mess but does tidy up quite well. The brackets, counterweights and cranks are all included on the etches above and can be folded quite easily. At this point you have a quite reasonable representation of your prototype. If you want it working it only then takes some nickel silver/brass wire bent at right angles to connect your signal arms, cranks if any, and counterweights. The lights were created with the small surface mound LEDs which I already had some of for other lighting projects. Wiring was done using armature winding wire which can easily be fed inside the lattice post and is almost invisible once painted. As I have said, if I can do it anyone can and I would strongly suggest buying a complete signal kit from MSE and having a go. The LMS Upper Quadrant Lattice Post Signal Kit would be a good starting point as it comes with suitable finials and all other parts. If you do have a go and have any problems there is a whole section of the forum dedicated to signals with some very talented modellers contributing there, or I will help where I can.
  20. How terrible for your sister, Rick. How awful for you all. Our thoughts are with you and your family.
  21. She has a lot to be quiet about. And in other news. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-shropshire-42863778 About ruddy time. All opinions expressed in this post are my own and do not necessarily represent the position of others.
  22. I'd run into the nearest telephone box and put my underpants on the outside of my trousers.
  23. Wagon? The headline says it's a carriage so it must be.
  24. Who wrote that? His agent?
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