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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Clever.......... but doesn't quite work. I know, I should get out more.
  2. I have had a bit play with 'City of Coventry' today. I bought it a good while ago in anticipation of building my layout so renumbering and playing with the sound was on a back burner. I think Paul is right and it is a case of increasing CV4 for deceleration. I found that it would not activate the coast sound if you decelerated gradually using the throttle. It required a very quick deceleration of a fair size. I was using a lenz system and a deceleration of 16 steps did not trigger the coast but 32 steps did. Thus means that if you slow from speed step 32 or lower you can never trigger the coasting. The biggest bugbear for me was that, as soon as the decoder reached the new set speed it restarted the chuffing sound which meant it wouldn't coast to a stop but the chuffing would restart. It just didn't sound right. I found that if I set the deceleration to 40 I could trigger the coast sound then by gradually decreasing the speed I could stay 'one step ahead' of the chuff restarting. With a bit of practice I could coast to a stop fairly accurately. This doesn't help if you want a long coast without actually stopping.
  3. Which DCC system are you using? If it allows for routes you could set up a 'bogus' route that fires each point in turn and set this route when you first power up the system.
  4. Just tell him he better look after her...... ...... and that you don't mind going back to prison.
  5. Wasn't he supposed to by joining ship at Blyth. He usually lets us know when he is actually off though.
  6. While you are there try a half in 10 different pubs then go back to the first one for a pint. That'll teach her.
  7. Afternoon all. It has been wall to wall sunshine here all day. Which of course meant a to do list. To be honest it was a necessary to do list as we have replaced a rear gate and it needed painting. The dry day was therefore most welcome. Things never go smoothly though. Into the depths of the paint store. Undercoat, yes. Masonry primer, yes. Interior wood primer, yes. Exterior wood primer. You've guessed it. So a walk to the hardware store before I could even start took up the morning. Anyway, it's primed now and hopefully the weather will remain dry so further finishing coats can be added. Oh how I detest cleaning paintbrushes.
  8. In today's 'data rich', results driven schools it is just as likely that the head was being bullied/pressured by those above. No excuse for bullying but sadly that's the way it often is. I was reading an article this morning written by that journalist who hit the news last year by resigning to train as a teacher. Shall we just say that she is not finding it at all as she expected. I'm really glad I got out two years ago.
  9. BoD

    EBay madness

    Pay £7.99 plus postage for a manual https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OO-DCC-LENZ-USER-MANUAL/323190901726?hash=item4b3fadcbde:g:NhMAAOSw79tZ1eRN or download it for free from the Lenz site. You choose.
  10. Fingers crossed for the scan result you hope for, Simon.
  11. ..... and vandalised within days of being erected.
  12. I am confused (easily, I know) when someone refers to 'strict guidelines'.
  13. Ddolfelin hasn't checked into RMweb for nearly a month now either. Without becoming maudlin one hopes all is well with those who haven't posted for a while.
  14. Well, that all ended with a bit of a whimper, didn't it?
  15. Is something that is pre-owned new and unused? Or if pre is a contraction of previously, as in previously drilled holes, then should it be pre' drilled holes.
  16. It wasn't a criticism. Just a comment on how realistic it looks.
  17. Debs: That is the most welcome post I have seen on here, ever.
  18. I tell them I have a hankie with my initial sewn on. For some reason they won't accept that.
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