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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I've got enough bags for life to last me a lifetime.
  2. Does lemon drizzle cake count as one of your five?
  3. C7299 is it just me or is that a strange combination of coaches? Great photos as ever. Thank you for taking the time to share them.
  4. Evening all Sitting outside with a nice coffee and it is remarkably mild. Quite warm even. Plants that would normally be thinking of preparing for winter are still in full bloom. That is quite unusual for where we are.
  5. Apparently when Rachael Heyhoe-Flint was asked what the female equivalent of a protective box was, she replied 'a manhole cover'. She was never particularly pc.
  6. That's lighter than me ............and I don't float.
  7. Many happy returns Mal. Suitable felicitation of your own choice to all others.
  8. Welcome from the Costa del Durham
  9. BoD


    Does that monthly fee include unlimited data or are you going to have to keep an eye on your usage?
  10. Interesting to note that to date no one has clicked 'funny' just 'informative/useful' to the above. Let us know how it goes.
  11. The EFL highlights are shown on a free to view channel called Quest. It us out there somewhere in the ether on most platforms.
  12. I enjoy 'following' the big three tours but I am no expert on cycling. Today's time trial seemed to me, very short. Was there any particular reason for this?
  13. Many cycle tracks/lanes are neither use nor ornament and I believe they can only have been created to allow the local authority to meet some sort of target. A good many of the simply annoy everyone.
  14. I have always found a loud but cheery hello/good morning* more effective than a tiny bell. *other salutations are available.
  15. I use shared paths as a walker and cyclist. As a walker I feel it is easier for me to be aware and move aside for cyclists. As a cyclist I will always stop and make way for horses or be very careful if overtaking. Generally speaking though, common sense, courtesy and good manners work wonders.
  16. Apparently when Trump was asked what to do about Cambridge Analytica he replied 'pay her off'.
  17. The 1st radius curve spoils it for me.
  18. I thought they'd just gotten her out of deep water.
  19. All the news stories at the moment are still using the words 'reportedly' and 'it is claimed'.
  20. Some people complain about all these regulations. I have read that book Nineteen Eighty-four and, to be honest, things were much worse back then.
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