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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all. And so yet another orbit begins. As it isn't particularly nice today Mrs BoD has decided she doesn't want a 'run out' so the day is mine. After the dog and I have had our morning constitional I may pop to the Shildon model railway exhibition which is based at NRM Locomotion. Or I may just watch the aforementioned two rugby matches on TV. Whatever a family 'meal out' is on the cards for this evening. Have a good weekend peoples.
  2. Is that's what is know as a silly bug(ger) in the system?
  3. Sorry if offence was given. None was intended. It seems that this is not the place for light banter that it once was.
  4. I thought your post quite sensible and then you lost the plot completely.
  5. We would rather you did too.
  6. #MeToo ...... and at one of the poshest hotels in the area.
  7. Apparently that's what golf enthusiasts shout at funerals too.
  8. Morning all. Suffering a bit. Yesterday I purchased a metal casserole dish and lid that can be used on the hob and in the oven. I am used to pans with glass lids and plastic handles. Do you want to see a photo of the blistered fingers?
  9. Whitbread Tankard. Another fine Spoonerism.
  10. I dropped strange languages at O-level only to find that I had to study Chaucer for English Lit.
  11. Mr Prick had election posters? My eyes are getting worse.
  12. When you get to our age there's not much difference.
  13. Definitely come of the medication. If your avatar is anything to go by you it is starting to make you resemble an axle box.
  14. Lovely to hear from Debs. Happy birthday to John.
  15. A few years ago, when we had major works done to the house, which included electrical rewiring, I asked the builders to embed Cat5 wiring between various points throughout the house. I fitted the various sockets myself and, touch wood, the whole thing is still working.
  16. Another enjoyable day volunteering with the NT. Having spent most of my life trying to cajole, enthuse and encourage often less than enthusiastic youngsters, sharing things with an 'audience' that is interested and appreciative is a real pleasure*. People actually exclaiming 'wow' when you show or explain something is remarkably gratifying. * I do a disservice to the vast, vast majority of pupils but there always remained a core that were very hard work.
  17. Were they Bo-Bo or Co-Co's?
  18. Why does it need tree of them?
  19. No, but if you got purse, sox and boots it might make you kinky.
  20. Evening all. I'm sure that when Tony said 'Nothing to see here' he didn't mean for everyone to go away. Today has been an very enjoyable but also tiring day at the NT where I volunteer. It was a heritage day and for most of the time the railway rooms were two and three deep. It is so rewarding to see the look of pleasure on youngsters faces and the genuine interest from adults even if I didn't always have time to engage in conversation or fully answer their questions whilst keeping trains running. For most they are surprised to see model railways at an NT property but for many we are so obviously rekindling fond memories. The only problem is now deciding whether or not I should indulge myself with a glass of red with the evening meal. Today could well have fitted into the 'Days where I love Britain' thread. Baz, you may relax as I have decided not to seek revenge. Too much.
  21. And if you still have one of those old magnetic fishing games with the magnet on string at the end of a rod you have the ideal tool for doing it.
  22. Could well be Barry. But don't worry, revenge is a dish best served cold.
  23. Welcome across to the dark side Simon. If you are still here on Sunday you might want to call to NT's Ormesby Hall which, uniquely, has a couple of excellent model railways. There you may be lucky to be shown the layouts by the best guides this side of Lady Baden-Powell's left leg.
  24. Welcome Tim. There seem to be quite a number of 'locals' on here now.
  25. Morning all. Get well soon JohnDMJ Don't be too self critical Chris. You are who and what you are and and if people don't like it that this their problem. From what I've read here there is much to like. andyram: sorry to hear about your unclear head. I'm puzzled about your assessor role. You are assessing work but only get paid if you pass it. That doesn't seem quite right to me. Or do you have a greater role than just assessing?
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