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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I know some companies use vinyl 'transfers' to re-livery. Could this be an option for modellers if they could be made thin enough.
  2. I've never quite got this cooking in wine or ale lark. I mean, the first thing that is going to happen is that the alcohol will evaporate. What a waste.
  3. We've just been Dr. Awled
  4. Evening all. Hope you are all as well as you can be given your own circumstances. I have just opened a nice bottle of wine to sip at whilst I prepared our evening meal - a beef goulash. Apparently it now has to go in the oven for a couple of hours. Opening the bottle now may well turn this into a long, although not unpleasant, evening - especially as there is a cheese board to follow. Ah well, we all have to suffer occasionally.
  5. If socks were fitted with Bluetooth they'd be much easier to pair.
  6. Evening all again. I pressed post before I'd completed typing the last post. This morning I had my first ever flu jab. The surgery phoned yesterday at 8:30 telling me I was entitled to one and I could have one at 10:15 this morning. I guess they have contractual obligations to fulfil. I decided to have it and I await any side effects with interest. Given that I'm still recovering from a very heavy, almost flu like cold, I probably won't notice anyway.
  7. Evening all. I do like the tie, Chris, although going by the photo it looks as if you are already half way on your journey to down under.
  8. This year I have resolved to drink only on special occasions. So far I have gatecrashed three weddings, two funerals and a christening.
  9. So....... next time you're having a bad day at work ........ imagine you're in goal, picking the ball out of your net for the sixth time, you look up and see ............ Harry Kane coming on as sub.
  10. I saw the moon once from my house and that's even further than from 34's place to The Shard.
  11. You only have 5 days 01 hour 37 minutes and 26 seconds to go. You only have 5 days 01 hour 37 minutes and 25 seconds to go. You only have 5 days 01 hour 37 minutes and 24 seconds to go. You only have ..........
  12. I would like to rate that post but non of the ratings available quite do it justice.
  13. I sincerely hope that we aren't. It would be a poor state of affairs if, after thousands upon thousands of years of evolution and centuries of discovery and great scientists, from Newton to Einstein, the pinnacle of human achievement was the selfie-stick.
  14. So how do we apply for compensation? That's how things work these days isn't it?
  15. Evening all. I have finally managed to sit down with a glass of amber nectar and some of the reading and reference material that was thoughtfully gifted this Christmas. By, that Oor Wullie can be a right wee scamp at times.
  16. And a very,very good morning to you too.
  17. Sheeeesh, I make my first post here in a while and Look what it did.
  18. I'm fine thanks, Baz. I'm just not spending as much time on here as I used too. I should though, as it takes longer to catch up. Thoughts remain with John and his good lady. I drive a foreign car built just five miles up the road. (See how far behind I am with postings?) Yep, bring back Ivan.
  19. Seasons greetings. May you have as happy a Christmas as you can.
  20. I will raise a glass to all of those RMweb members no longer with us. Often they have only drifted away but many leave us more permanently and we never find out about it.
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