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Everything posted by BoD

  1. … but only if they don’t paint them in that blue.
  2. Others have replied but RS-online has a useful explanation - again, as others have said, it may be a case of the terminology being used. https://uk.rs-online.com/web/content/discovery/ideas-and-advice/latching-relays-guide
  3. Sorry Colin, a latching relay does not require a constant supply once activated - hence the term latching. They are switched on and off by pulses of current.
  4. I hope he got more than just a 'bob' if he was doing the whole engine.
  5. Another one without an engine. Well done.
  6. Note I did say once.
  7. I did it on my bike.* Once. A long time ago. * No CB750 (insert letters and numbers if your choice). No DOHCs or Carbies. Not even an engine thingy.
  8. Except they would somehow manage to come across as the wronged party and twist it into a tale of David v Goliath.
  9. Wouldn’t it also mean issuing/re-issuing an exemption. Not very likely.
  10. Interesting video, Andy. Is that the line where there are market stalls alongside too? The line seems totally blocked but when a train is due goods are pulled back and canopies folded in.
  11. Easier than going down the corridor to the somewhat cramped toilet.
  12. As to the death penalty, I’m with Gandalf … “Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.”
  13. Doomed, doomed, we’re all doomed.
  14. It's the future. I mean, you don't think for one minute that that bloke with the orange face and long red ties is real, do you?
  15. We felt the same ‘at the sharp end’. By withdrawing from central support the school put me in the position of (in no particular order), supporting and training all of the school staff (including some admin staff) in their own and curriculum use of IT, running the IT/Computer studies department and so responsible for organising the computer teaching within the school, managing the IT provision within school I.e being the network manager and IT technician and responsible for purchasing. Oh, and I was teaching a full timetable of classes too. It did for me in the end. When I eventually stepped back my role was split between four other people. The worst thing about it was I felt personally responsible and upset that I couldn’t do it all as well I wanted to.
  16. I suffered a similar course, perhaps a couple of years after you. By then we were not only encouraged to use video tape but to actually use video cameras (huge mains operated contraptions) to record our own presentations for use in our lessons. They never told us that to actually use video tape in the classroom involved booking a system (the tv with opening doors and a Phillips Video player on a wheeled trolley thing) via the schools AV technician, several weeks in advance. It was at this point I realised that I wasn’t destined for an alternative career in film let alone an Oscar.
  17. It is only ever ER’s where this happens. Is our allocated share of server space full? (of ******)? Have the admins shifted us to 64Mb dial up to save the rest of RMweb? Do the computer generated images offend the computer generated guardians of bandwidth usage? Have we overstayed our welcome?
  18. It was only ever Geography teachers who used more than one colour carbon paper. I guess you already knew that.
  19. But only one letter. Bandwagon, jumping on, for the use of.
  20. For point motors that are relatively close together it might be better to run multicore cable from the switches. Or create a ‘loom’ using cable ties. Purely to keep the wiring neater.
  21. Have you given up on the idea of replacing the tension locks with a wire loop?
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