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Everything posted by BoD

  1. If your memory is anything like mine you will soon forget packing them and you will have the joy of opening a load of new stock and wondering where it all came from. Don't forget to make a video with a running commentary of each opening.
  2. I wonder how much social media has affected these people. They can easily direct threatening and abusive posts towards players (and others in the limelight) and probably now believe this is acceptable. Does society now accept that abuse goes with the territory for our 'celebs'? Frightening though it is, it sometimes appears this way. For some this has become normal behaviour. Is it not unsurprising too, that some of these morons, who have normalised abuse, take it that step further to physical abuse too?
  3. An interesting last day of the six nations awaits.
  4. Durham City v Northern. The pavilion/clubhouse/changing rooms is quite nice and can obviously cater for various functions but on match day is limited to said sandwiches, slices of pizza and chips. I guess there must have been 150+ there today as it was a top of the table clash. They even ran out of programmes.
  5. I bet you polish up nicely for formal occasions.
  6. Afternoon all. Just back from rugby. Thunder, rain, hail and sleet and that was just in the first half. None of your poncy roof covered stadia here. A nice club building in one corner and a small leaky stand is all you get. Favoured team won by one point with the last kick of the game although it was hard to distinguish the sides because of the mud. Entry, a pint and a bacon and sausage sarnie all for under a tenner. What's not to like (if you like that sort of thing).
  7. I see the owner has now put it up for sale for £1 Fancy going halfies?
  8. Mine is is still a list of topics I have never visited. When my followed topics appeared on the home page I er..... followed them. Now it seems so convoluted to get there that I don't bother so often. Raining heavily here although it wasn't when I went for the paper earlier. Hope it clears up as I'm off to watch a rugby game later. have a good weekend folks. p.s. Have you noticed that this post editor doesn't automatically capitalise new paragraphs, or is that just me?
  9. It may be just me but I enjoy using Templot. No..... honestly......
  10. Evening all. Welcome back to the wanderers. I'm glad to hear that a good time was had. I have spent nearly all afternoon scratch building windows using LibreCAD, acetate sheet and very fine microstrip. Not sure I'm entirely happy but they are a darn sight better than any I could have bought off the shelf, which would only have been an approximation of what I needed anyway. I have used a Deluxe Pin Flow tool for the first time. Most impressed. I need to go and uncross my legs and eyes.
  11. Not the dreaded hba1c test? The bane of many an Epicurean Hedonist.
  12. I suppose you are hoping to attract a partridge. I have only just discovered the Back Track magazine having come across a few old issues and purchased the latest one. What an interesting publication. Evening all.
  13. My hamster died today. Fell asleep at the wheel.
  14. On many channels the ads are more entertaining than the programs.
  15. Evening all. It's been a long day. All fairly quiet here, perhaps Freya hasn't reached us yet.
  16. Kirkby Thore, Low House Crossing.
  17. ....... and here was me convinced that lightening was just another data download. Morning all.
  18. ….. or perhaps not given the still recent events at the club.
  19. Morning all. It looks like another lovely day here too. I'm having trouble getting a new fish tank to start the nitrogen cycling process. May need to do some research. As its so nice, I may take the opportunity to go up into the loft, open the windows wide, and spray some sleeper grime on the trackwork.
  20. Morning all Strange. When I clicked to post my last message appeared. That has not happened before. A productive morning so far. Paper read, breakfast, two new tyres on car, brakes given the ok, a haircut, a walk and back home by 10:30. There may be more pruning once the sun has moved round the back. Soft? Me?
  21. This seems to have resolved itself as I am now listening to music as I browse RMweb. if it is something that Mr York has done, i am most grateful. If Mr York was not involved I'm still grateful for all he has done and continues to do. It wasn't anything I did as I still refuse to spend silly amounts on new hardware.
  22. Evening all Regarding the warm weather. After this morning's walk which, because the fine weather made it so enjoyable, was much further than usual, I spent this afternoon in the 'yarden'. I refreshed the soil in some pots and did some pruning, tasks which would not normally be undertaken for another month. I hope I am not premature.
  23. Morning all. Im afraid I have broken all the rules and have just had a shower before heading off to Model Rail Scotland. Sorry.
  24. Thanks for the replies so far. I have checked the voltages of my two transformers under no load. The original 45VA gives a reading of 16.8V and the 150VA a reading of 16.0V. It's not the most expensive meter mind you. That seems to go against the theory as explained earlier unless there is some regulation going on. Both transformer's stated voltage is 15V. I'm assuming they are standard transformers as the labels talk about primary and secondary voltages and they weigh a ton. The 45VA is a LENZ product. The second was designed for (or rebadged for) one of the DCC suppliers in this country. Neither mention regulation but both are sold with DCC in mind.
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