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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I hadn't noticed those, probably because they are features that I don't need or use. The 'nagware' is a bit of a pain but can be cleared with one click each time you open the program if you don't support it. I, personally, am happy to put up with that because the program does what I need in that it provides a manual mimic panel that operates points and signals with an on screen click. It can also operate in semi of fully automatic mode so I can sit with my feet up, a coffee to hand, and watch the trains go by. When I use it manually I use handheld throttles hence no need for those features only available to 'supporters'. I do agree that it is quite a steep learning curve but I enjoyed that aspect and the more I look into it the more I like what it can do and what I can do to tweak things. Others may not be so keen on this aspect of things.
  2. I use Rocrail and found that it does everything that I need it to. What functionality do you not have access to without the support code? I haven't found any yet. As far as I understood it you weren't paying for support but were supporting the costs involved.
  3. If that happens again look at the bottom of your post and there is a 'clear editor' option to click.
  4. This weekend's results makes Friday night's game rather important.
  5. So good to see her Debship. Our thoughts are always with you.
  6. Mention that you know Rick and I'm sure they will quadruple the fare.
  7. Evening all. Easy win for the rugby team I was supporting today. Apparently five of the opposition's team, including the front row, were away at a stag do in Rotterdam. Good for our league winning prospects but I think I would have preferred to see a more competitive game. As for the other shaped balls, Baz has already said all that needs saying.
  8. I can't see Falcons coming away from Sarries with many points.
  9. Morning all. Off to see a local rugby game this afternoon. Favoured team are away so we will be heading to a ground I've not been to before. Winning the league is still in their own hands so fingers crossed. I have been nominated by family members to place their bets on the Grand National. Most are just backing the horse whose riders have nice colours. Of course this has all been arranged by them over the ether so none of their money will be harmed in making these bets.
  10. Seriously, there was, for a time, a coloured banner which explained that the site would be slow as the management were deleting caches.
  11. I know. That's when I clicked on it.
  12. I see there's a notification about slow performance. I clicked it but it took so long to load I gave up.
  13. They will be sliding about on pieces of wood up the Lecht and Glenshee. Glen Coe has had a good dump too. Despite that, the Ospreys have arrived back at the Loch of the Lowes nest. Not that you can see that from your hide although the web cam is very good for those interested in such things.
  14. Morning all. I have downloaded a digital edition of BRM and found that I just can't get away with it. I seem to be forever zooming in and out to read the articles, moving about in small chunks and so lose the overall 'feel' for the thing. I can't quite explain what I mean but it just doesn't seem to work fo me. It may be just the way I am using it. I am being repeatedly nudged by a doggy muzzle so I guess it's time for our walk.
  15. When a friend and I cycled the Yorkshire Dales Cycleway a bee managed to find its way into my mouth just after we had left Dent. It stung my lip the little s0d. Don't worry, I got my own back, I bit its head off. Before anyone reports me to the RSPCI it was a totally involuntary action, I can assure you.
  16. Wasp stings can't be any worse than cricket ball stings.
  17. Why? I know it's a case of the proof of the pudding etc but from what has been said the forum won't change for any member, just some will be buying into extra facilities - buying into the digital edition of BRM shouldn't affect their forum use.
  18. I think Tony might have the right idea if the digital thingy gives access to the full version. I was thinking of taking out a couple of subscriptions again, one to Back Track and one to a modelling mag. This might just edge me in the direction of BRM. Like you I probably won't use the free ticket. I doubt if I'll flog anything (I'm a terrible hoarder). Although I read a digital newspaper I've always preferred hard copy of books and magazines so will have to buy one digital copy and see what it looks like on the iPad/Tablet.
  19. Why is it that whenever I go to the loft to work on the layout/tidy up/do something useful I end up just running a couple of trains and randomly shunting some wagons? Answers on the back of a ten pound note to...……..
  20. How long before Gold is the only membership type available? Sorry, but it had to be asked.
  21. There is an obvious reply to that but I don't want to fall foul of the moderators.
  22. BoD

    EBay madness

    Having seen a few similar items from Rails it would be 'interesting' to see something they consider to be not in good condition.
  23. If Sunderland had to lose there is no one I'd rather lose to than Portsmouth. Fantastic set of supporters. just don't try and repeat it if we meet in the play offs, thank you.
  24. I'm glad you had a pleasant day, Tony. I seem to remember that Matthew enjoyed Polish food.
  25. Morning all For some reason it has gone from being quite light when I get up to being almost dark again. Who gave them permission to take my light away and give it to others later in the day? I demand a second vote. Mrs BoD has gone to work, well someone has to keep me in the manner to which I am accustomed, and once I have see our grandson, who stayed with us last night, off to school the day is mine. I have some ridge tiles to sort out. Fortunately for those of a nervous disposition this won't involve ladders, heights and grandadbobisms but a 4mm model of Crianlarich engine shed. At some point I should make an effort to get out for a walk. Enjoy your week whatever it entails.
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