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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Nope, that didn't work.
  2. Happy anniversary grandma and grandpa.
  3. Well wasn’t that exciting.
  4. As there’s a big rugby match today - the premiership final - I suspect he will be around. .... and to think, last year Falcons reached the payoffs, this year relegated. Pah!!!!
  5. Good grief that has stirred memories. I remember Roker Park back then. No seats at the ends and so packed you had to take turns to breath. The peanut seller couldn’t venture into the crowd so would wander along between the pitch and the crowd. Someone would through him a tanner, or whatever, and he would throw the bag of peanuts in the rough direction from which the tanner came. Amazingly the bag always found its way back to the buyer.
  6. Perhaps of secondary interest they also show old maps alongside current day satellite views. Be careful it can be addictive. https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by-side/#zoom=15.7037643169945&lat=55.0423&lon=-1.5281&layers=10&right=BingHyb
  7. Fingers crossed then.
  8. Perhaps it's not really turned on.
  9. That’s a strange way to start a joke.
  10. Evening all. Today I picked up a copy of last/this/next month’s BRM* Great article by our own Mr Newbryford and I’m pleased that he finally admits that he does have a yellow fetish (his words, not mine). Enjoy the rest of your evening.** * Publishing dates seem a moveable feast. This is June’s issue, bought this month, but published two years gone February or so it would seem. ** For those reading this later..... Goodnight all.
  11. Sorry I missed that Baz and <red face> I haven’t looked at my own topic for a while. Things are coming on really well. Since last posts I have, in no particular order, ..... Laid the track for the branch line terminus station, which I suppose in real life represents the Oban branch but isn’t. Incorporated the above and it’s signalling into the computer control. Built and included a viaduct for the above. Scratch built many of the buildings and structures. The main layout is still fairly bare but I have many pieces of the jigsaw and hopefully it will all fall into place, just like that, pah! Renumbered and weathered lots of stock. Done lots of stuff not related to railway modelling. i really must take some photos and post progress.
  12. I went to Cardiff (once) and I think there was a competition between the police and the home fans as to who could be the most obnoxious.
  13. I think it’s a bit unfair to ask the teams to play on two successive days.
  14. Don’t forget one of the first and most famous, Arthur D. Purbright.
  15. Condolences to Ian and his other half.
  16. Did you ever get to the bottom of this?
  17. @ Everyone Goodnight all.
  18. There is an explanation for this phenomenon. TonyS explained it to me once. Something to to with Chemistry ... or Physics... or Voodoo.
  19. Good news. It will help us achieve our carbon emission targets. (Exporting the emissions and then transporting the stuff doesn’t count of course)
  20. Someone at Network Rail has a sense of humour.....
  21. One to go with the tie and bobble hat...….
  22. Morning all. I had a pleasant day on Saturday at Carlisle as two excursions with three steam locos were in the station. Today I will go to Doncaster and probably Barnetby to search out more modern traction. Make the best of your Mondays although it does seem a little unfair that one seventh of your life should be spent with that ‘Monday feeling’.
  23. Credit to Watford fans, singing and flag waving to the very end.
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