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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all Belated happy anniversary to Mr and Mrs GDB and commiserations to any one having problems with their tail pipes. Yesterday evening saw a (very)few late rays of sun but now June is bursting out all over........ again. I don’t think this is the sort of bursting out they had in mind in the song though. Have a good Friday one and all.
  2. ........... in my day it was a slide rule. Or if it was a big problem, logs. Well someone had to say it.
  3. When it comes to the deployment of glue and the use of a scalpel my levels of stupidity know no bounds. Just saying. Did I tell you it's still raining?
  4. Morning all. Still persisting down.here. Bloke down the road has been acting very strangely of late. He recently acquired a number of different pets and has now started building a huge wooden boat.
  5. Many happy returns, Brian.
  6. We stayed in a hotel last October that did some very interesting cheeseboards and I did have Brie de Meaux one evening. As you say, very flavoursome.
  7. Evening all Since you asked, I didn’t go for an amble I spent the day bodging..... and yes Baz, I will put some photos up sooner or later. I made a nice risotto for our evening meal followed by a cheese board. For my part, give me some nice cheese, some crackers and a glass of wine or port and I could munch away all evening. Forget about the main course. No the wonder I’m fat. p.s. I was right when I said the rain looked set in. It’s still doing it.
  8. Morning all It’s nice to see Dom still popping in now and again. The yellow rain that wasn’t yesterday is today and it looks set to be quite prolonged. So......do I get waterproofed and go for my walk or should I just retire to the workbench and start cutting, glueing and generally bodging with some of the bits and pieces acquired yesterday? Decisions decisions.
  9. Evening all. Wind a little brisk here but (as yet) no rain at all. Yesterday was wall to wall sunshine for most of the day. You can blame the North/South divide if you like but I think it’s more of a diagonal thing. This afternoon I visited a modelling emporium, a veritable Aladdin's cave. It sells a little bit of rolling stick, quite a fair bit of scenery making stuff, a fair bit of radio control material and a lot of gaming stuff and plastic kits. It also sells all the little bits and pieces that it’s not worth, individually, buying over the interwebby thingy. I could quite happily have spent a lot on a major purchase but didn’t. I spent even more on lots of little bits and pieces. Still, they will keep me busy. Until the next time.
  10. Cat owners, pah!! I once heard one talking to their cat as if it understood. How stupid can you get? I couldn't wait to get home and tell the dog. Oh, how we laughed.
  11. I have CDO It’s the same as OCD but the letters are in order, as they should be.
  12. Yes, bring back Richard Keyes and Andy Gray.
  13. ....... and I still always ended being the goalie.
  14. I ordered an Alpha-mimic unit a couple of days ago and it arrived today. It is a great piece of equipment and it does exactly as it says on the tin. Connect your DCC bus, plug in your LEDs and away you go. Of course now I have to build the actual mimic panel don't I. Great service and response to a phone call couldn't have been more helpful.
  15. My father-in law fought in India and Burma too. He was in the Royal Berkshire Regiment. How a pit lad from Durham ended up in that regiment remains a mystery. One day he was called for, told that his family had been killed in a bombing raid, that he had no home to return to and sent back to the fight. I’m sure he wouldn’t be the only one that the likes of that happened to.
  16. Morning all Condolences to Jamie and his friend’s family and LE. Thoughts are with Rick and any others in need of them. That’s all.
  17. Has anyone heard anything from Rick (Gwiwer). He hasn't visited the site since 21st May.
  18. Afternoon all. I'm sitting twiddling my thumbs waiting for a phone call as car is in for service and M.O.T. The M.O.T. was booked for 10:30 so it looks like, hopefully, it's a no news is good news situation. Just sitting here is dangerous, I've already ordered an Alpha mimic from DCC concepts and am browsing other 'things'. I could go and play trains I suppose.
  19. Very well done for getting there. Enjoy it when the time comes.
  20. Are you really sure you should be going?
  21. Are you ok, Chris? Did you accidentally hit send?
  22. Sadly one of the riders in one of yesterday’s races was killed. His name was Daley Matheson, an ex pupil who I taught a few years ago. He revisited the school before I retired with his bike and all the paraphernalia. He talked to assemblies about his love of racing and spent a lot of time with older pupils talking to them about safety and respect for the power of motorcycles, whatever their size. He died doing something he loved and lived for. R.I.P. Daley.
  23. How long before thar particular topic starts going round in circles and disappears up it’s own proverbial, as topics like that inevitably seem to do?
  24. Strangely enough, it has worked. Two small wins did come along this month. It has been a good while since I have had two in the same month.
  25. Interest? What’s that?
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