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Everything posted by BoD

  1. That was the kind version. You only lost your hands.
  2. This running lark is easy.
  3. I see see what you did there.
  4. Evening all from somewhere North of the Forth. Love the boots, Chris, but heed the advice about breaking in. I understand peeing in them is just a myth.
  5. The next Cake Box Challenge?
  6. I hereby do solemnly swear not to make any facetious comments about any injuries, however sustained, for 7 days from the posting of this notice.
  7. On Legomanbiffo sound projects the acceleration and deceleration settings and delays are tied in with the sound project so the delay at the start is typical and if you listen carefully the engine probably revs and the brakes release before it starts moving. Is this a project with drivelock? Either way it might be worth reading his advice on driving tips if you haven’t already done so. I would be loathe to change settings much as it can affect the synchronisation between sound and movement. I’m not sure why there should be a larger jump in speed at one particular step. Are you using 28 or 128 speed steps?
  8. Evening all Well, tomorrow we are off on our travels again but, unlike last week, this will be less enjoyable. We are off to Scotland to visit a close relative who, a couple of weeks ago, was told he will be with us only for weeks rather than months. We are talking of course about cancer. He was diagnosed as recently as May and it was soon discovered that nothing could be done. Care is now palliative only and apparently he is deteriorating rapidly. We will take the opportunity to visit a couple of our favourite places whilst there but it will be mostly a sad affair, reminiscing and saying our last farewells. Give your loved ones an extra hug tonight for who know what is just around the corner.
  9. I do wonder if Martin O’Neill was one of those managers who worked best in partnership with one particular assistant. Most of his succes seemed to come when John Robertson was his assistant.
  10. Evening all. This morning I was at the far end of Cornwall but am now back at the diagonally opposite end of this green and pleasant land.* What a beautiful place Cornwall is. I thoroughly enjoyed a week visiting many of its jewels. I’m not normally interested in newer buildings but was very impressed with the space that is Tate St. Ives. I was less sure about some of the content though. Many of the places I visited are tourist honeypots but, as with many of these popular places, they are just that for very good reasons indeed. If I have missed anything of importance whilst away I’m sure someone will kindly PM me. I’m shattered so, goodnight all. * ©️ Someone else
  11. It won’t close but may go into voluntary receivership.
  12. I hope your electrician installed OO electricity.
  13. Have you seen the real time lightning map? http://www.lightningmaps.org/?lang=en#z=6;t=2;m=oss;r=0;s=0;d=2;a=2;dc=0;o=0;n=0;y=53.3177;x=-3.1201;b=;ts=0;dl=2; I don’t know how it works but when I’ve been able to check it, it has proven quite accurate even down to the visual of the spread of the sound waves (thunder).
  14. I will be away on Sunday Baz, so early congratulations to you and your good lady.
  15. Thats a pity Neil. It can make a difference. My nurse spent a hour with me over two sessions and was very informative. She was very pretty too. She was encouraging too and very pretty. Any criticism was given in a constructive way. Did I tell you she was pretty? My B.P. readings were not very good at all that day.
  16. It means taking the most direct route across a roundabout* So, for example if going straight ahead on a two lane roundabout instead of sticking to the outer lane all the way round you would enter the outer lane criss to the inner lane back to the outer lane and leave the roundabout. As close to following a straight line as you can. When taking the first exit (turning left in th UK) drivers often straddle both lanes to maintain speed, again as close to a straight line as possible. * you can drive straight across the central island if you want but that can be a bit bumpy.** ** unless it’s a mini roundabout which are complete abominations.
  17. From W.H. Smith. I can't resist a bargain so I bought two just in case I ever need them.
  18. I’m sure the nurse will point you in the direction of the diabetes.org.uk website. It is quite informative per se but also has a huge recipe section that includes meals that help both diabetes and weight loss. Some of them are very palatable and have helped me enormously in adapting my diet whilst still enjoying food. In many cases I enjoy more what I am eating now.
  19. Now which bit of that, I wonder, is making you smile?
  20. Mining all. Off to play trains for the National Trust as is my wont each Sunday. Enjoy whatever you are up to today.
  21. It’s hard. Very hard.
  22. I was thinking of pictures of the metformin actually.
  23. Metformin makes me fart a lot. Just saying. P.M. me if you want more details or pictures.
  24. ! ...... and coming to a supermarket near us, soon. Possibly Allegedly
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