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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Some gulls are and some gulls aren’t.* If you really want to experience aggressive gulls/terns go to the Farne Islands, off the Northumbrian coast, during the breeding season. It’s a beautiful place and it really is a fantastic experience. *I feel a 70’s song coming on.
  2. Just checking the final cricket score. England had Australia 122 for 8 and let the escape to 284. Useless or what? No sandpaper was harmed in the making of this post.
  3. The same happened to Valerie in St. Ives. This one just flew in and just took it out of her hand. I felt the tip of it’s wing across my face. She got quite a shock and for a few seconds looked as though she didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. In the end she decided to be mad as it had taken her ten minutes to decide which flavour she wanted.
  4. You old softie, you. Congratulations.
  5. Morning all Same here, although the Beeb website promises thunderstorms all day. The met office forecast doesn’t. We are a bit too close to the flash flooding of North Yorkshire for comfort. More signal building may be the order of the day. Thoughts are with those in need. Have a good day, whatever you are up to.
  6. You mean like ..... Not sure about their maths but the idea makes sense.
  7. One of my favourite pieces of music. Thinking of you both. Enoy the rest of your hols.
  8. Hope they have strong passwords.
  9. Afternoon all. This afternoon I decided to bodge together some brass signals for the branch line on my layout. It's been a few years since I made the main batch of signals but I was absolutely delighted to find that I could remember how to make ……….. ……. all the same mistakes I made back then.
  10. It seemed to happen at the same point on the layout. Have you investigated the track and electrical joints. The warm weather could be a factor.
  11. Evening all. Today I have been playing trains for the National Trust, as I do most Sundays. Friday’s funeral was most enjoyable. A strange statement you may think but it was a celebration of a most extraordinary person. Our cousin was a gardener, he grew love and laughter in everything he did. As I said earlier colourful clothes were decreed and whilst there was some sadness, there was much joy. The crem was crowded, not even standing room only as some had to watch on CCTV monitors. My cousin was called Brian and the pastor started by saying that after forty years of doing funerals today I can finally say we are here to talk about ‘The Life of Brian’. After that things got less serious. I won’t go on, you would have had to know him and to have been there to appreciate the joy of the occasion. It was impossible to be sad. No one felt as if they had been to a funeral. Goodnight each and everyone.
  12. Tomorrow sees us North of the Forth again but this time it is to attend the funeral. I would have preferred to travel up today but circumstances dictate that we do it all in one day. The service has been declared informal and dress smart/casual but colourful. At least I am saved the torture of travelling all day in a suit and black tie.
  13. So... I have arisen like a Phoenix from the puddle of perspiration, had a shower and am sitting outside enjoying a glass of grape sugar induced ethanol. The water feature is making sweet music and the LED lights are starting to play their colours on various plants. I is still pleasantly warm. I have just been given a list of tomorrow’s painting tasks. Bah. I can’t afford a house with grounds and a natural waterfall. After today’s exertions the ethanol has gone straight to my head. Can you tell? Thoughts are with Sandy, Aditi and others in need.
  14. Morning , I mean afternoon , I mean whatever, all. Hottest day for a while, forecast even hotter tomorrow, and I am gloss painting for my son and partner in their ‘new’ house. I’m guessing it’s a good while since it was last painted and it is taking some rescuing. I don’t mind really, stick ClassicFM on and it’s quite therapeutic. Apart from the heat. I’ll try one of those fancy sign offs. Pud L. Ovsweat.
  15. Isn’t ER’s a wonderful caring place. Just saying.
  16. Thoughts with Sandy and you John. What an absolute bu$$er this disease is. .
  17. How inconsiderate of her. Seriously, I hope she isn’t in too much discomfort and her arm makes a full recovery.
  18. Should have gone toTrack-Shack. They would have been cheaper and delivered the following morning.
  19. I can understand why the Mods have said that religion be one of the topics not discussed on here.
  20. As far as I understand these modern dating technologies, photographs can be supplied and some people even use ones of themselves.
  21. One forecast that I looked at earlier was predicting fine weather but is now predicting thundery showers whilst a second has swung the other way. Neither agree with the rainfall radar and its predictions. I feel a Victor Meldrew moment coming on.
  22. Morning all. Having spent part of this morning looking at various weather forecast, like others have reported, I find wild variations particularly between the once reliable Beeb and the Met office. I can understand how market forces work with Supermarkets, broadband * etc. but it seems like they have started to apply this theory to weather forecasting. Our forecast is nicer, please use us. * sorry, Chris.
  23. We can all guess where it is going to fall.
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