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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I’m off to Kingston Park tomorrow and although the result is a forgone conclusion I will still enjoy the afternoon. If you are watching on TV give a wave and I will wave back. I’ll be the one that’s well wrapped up against the cold.
  2. The only other thing known to man that can rattle the trousers in the same way is standing at the foot of a 32’ open Diapason
  3. Every time I see your layout it makes me want to have a run out up there. I know it’s not the same these days but it’s still a delightful place to be. For so many reasons.
  4. Is that Scillonian? I have sailed on her only once*. It was a strange journey. The weather was not particularly bad but there was a swell that .. err.. affected many people. Apparently that swell is the result of a few thousand miles of unbroken Atlantic. I guess I’m getting into the realms of teaching granny to suck eggs here. On the return journey, although the conditions were virtually the same, the swell didn’t affect anyone in the same way. * actually it was twice - we came back.
  5. I must admit I succumbed to temptation and made an online purchase today. Six rolls of Modroc as I miscalculated and ran out yesterday. They weren’t offering anything off though, the cads.
  6. I was most surprised. In the past they have always made ‘a thing’ of not playing Christmas music until they launch their Christmas season on December 1st. … and that was still a week or two too early for my liking. To be fair to them though, they always started with one every hour or so, gradually increasing the amount played as the day grew nearer.
  7. I wasn’t going to go to Warley this weekend. Now… I’m definitely not going to Warley this weekend.
  8. It is good that it is only may and at some stage. I understand that if another stroke is going to follow a minor stroke it is likely within 90 days. All these mays and likelys must still be very worrying, especially after Sherry’s surgery, but I see positives in your statement too. I sincerely hope am right.
  9. In the past I have looked at quite a few model car after market websites and have found a number of headlights and thought ‘wow, that’s perfect’. Then I checked the scale. They don’t seem to produce stuff in anything close to 1/76, 4mm or whatever you want to call it. Could I live with something a bit over scale? I might order a pack (they are only a few pounds) and see how they look.
  10. You mean Cnut …. Patron Saint of dyslexics.
  11. Mine looks similar …. on January 1st … and it usually lasts as long as all my other resolutions.
  12. I do like the way you have managed to incorporate a Hornby advertising sign.
  13. For those users of L-space … has anyone come across my soldering iron yet?
  14. Wouldn’t your feet get wet? Seriously … ambitious and fascinating projects here. Please do start topics on them when they get underway.
  15. Comparing greys has always been fraught with dangers. Remember the optical illusions from school or elsewhere? Cover the middle line of the upright block with your finger…
  16. Sorry to hear about Lucy. From what you have said in the past we know that you care about all dogs and yours in particular. We are sure that she will receive the best possible love and care, whatever her future holds.
  17. Yes, it definitely gets late early. But worry not, in a month it starts getting early later again.
  18. I always think of Don at this time of year. Like many ERs we never actually met but I thought of him as a personal friend. Such is the way with ERs
  19. … and for supper a good slice of cold shoulder.
  20. Gosh, how many times have I met that very pose when getting in late from the pub. Of course, that was in days of yore. Now I am a paragon of virtue.
  21. As DaveF has already said, the Freeman. First infant heart transplant in this country and first single and double lung transplant in Europe. They are still highly rated. Some even have sheds … and as for the dark skies the Milky Way and even Jupiter can cast shadows.
  22. No guarantee that you will get it back though.
  23. Is that on field passion reflected by the supporters? Is there a ‘derby day’ atmosphere over and above that of other matches? I’m genuinely interested in what happens elsewhere. Certainly, although it has been described as such by the media, Newcastle v Sale just isn’t a derby game.
  24. I think if you just pointed the phone camera at a QR code so that the code filled most of the screen, the phone would sort it out for you ... whether you wanted it to or not.
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