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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Has anyone been to a live match with VAR? Perhaps you now have two adrenaline rushes. Celebrate/bemoan the goal as usual then repeat, possibly vice versa, as VAR result comes through. I don’t know, I haven’t been there yet. The players seem to be taking that approach though - for how long remains to be seen.
  2. Commentators will also have to follow their often excited descriptions with the qualification ‘if it stands’.
  3. Any one feeling sorry for Mr Lampard?
  4. Good morning one and all. Still damp.
  5. Good morning one and all. Avoid the effects of strong winds if you can.
  6. Break out the strategic steam reserve.
  7. Good morning all. Stay dry.
  8. Good morning all. Have a good day.
  9. Gosh, it’s a long, long while since octas got a mention in ERs. It used to be one of those running jokes/topics.
  10. You mean like on RMweb?
  11. Don’t knock the weather. If it didn’t keep changing nine out of ten people wouldn’t know how to start a conversation.
  12. BoD

    Yeadon Volume 16

    Sorry about that. That site is usually reliable.
  13. ‘Your hair must be difficult if it’s going to take that long.
  14. I wonder what will happen when the owning consortium’s money and/or interest wanes.
  15. BoD

    Yeadon Volume 16

    Not the original edition or sure how much you are willing to pay but there's one here https://biblio.co.uk/cart.php?bid=928702662&country=2&currency=2&aid=bkfndr&add=1&refresh=1
  16. Good morning all and one. It is sunny and (relatively) warm here so I will head out for a walk. I have been feeling rather lethargic over the last few days but it’s probably self inflicted. After the recent hols and various other excursions I seem to have put on some of the weight I took off My blood pressure has gone up too, and that after I got it down to near normal. I guess therefore my blood sugar will be up too. A reboot is in order as I started so well after last years diagnosis. I have always found starting easy but maintaining difficult. I’m expecting my annual checkup call any time now so may be in for a lecture.
  17. Afternoon all. Sunny and warm here. Just as well as it’s a family bbq to celebrate son-in-law’s birthday. I’ve just set the charcoal a’warming and have poured a bottle of St Austell Tribute. Just to keep cool, you understand.
  18. Thank goodness for that. I thought I’d done it.
  19. Back then though, it wasn’t the ‘squad game’ as we know it today. Substitutes were only introduced in the football league in the 60s and at first only to replace an injured player. Larger benches with up to three tactical replacements is a relatively recent innovation. Reserve games had a greater meaning and were of more use to clubs and players.
  20. Does it affect train running? Don’t these devices rely on momentary shorts to work?
  21. You do need to know the member’s user name though.
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