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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Quite a few women of a certain age took early retirement, their financial planning based upon getting their state pension at 63.
  2. I don't think it important whether we find it offensive or not. What matters is if those who actually suffer from the syndrome find it offensive or upsetting.
  3. Hopefully, your calves will have benefited from our thoughts anyway. I also hope (powerful thing is hope) that your online friendship issue resolves itself with least possible pain. En avent.
  4. Check the top of your head. That’s where I usually find my glasses.
  5. Good morning one and all. May each day in your week be a good one.
  6. It’s a while since I have wired one but is it not the case that the wire has just been folded aback on itself and if you (gently) pull it from the channel it is in you have just one straight wire? Of course the design may have changed recently.
  7. Evening all. Very busy but enjoyable day playing trains for The National Trust. Bet Chris’s leg hasn’t had this much attention in years.
  8. Good morning one and all. Sunday once more, so off I go to play trains but not the same ones as Baz. Chris’s calfs have been added to the list of those who are already in our thoughts. May you have a restful day of rest.
  9. Well that’s blown the premiership wide open, hasn’t it.
  10. Good morning one and all. No, I haven’t just got up. I’ve been out with the dog and collected the paper and had two, yes two, cups of coffee. Who says I lead an unexciting life. Saturday is the only day I read a paper paper. I subscribe to a different paper’s online version and read that on other mornings. Saturdays and Sundays are more about the different sections rather than the news. Have a good day.
  11. ‘No worries, my queries have, mostly, been answered and if you find a solution as a spin off then it’s win win. I am now just deciding which make/model to go for. If I were going for more than one section I would consider MERG but as I want just one, I will probably go for a proprietary make.
  12. BoD

    EBay madness

    Then why don’t we write photo’
  13. Good morning one and all. Full eight oktas here. Have a good day whatever your sky is like.
  14. BoD

    DIY Dilemma

    The type of fixing needed will depend on whether or not you have an Andrex puppy.
  15. BoD

    EBay madness

    Ah, but it’s DCC
  16. Thanks for the replies. Pointers about current ratings and timings have been very useful. I had envisaged splitting the dcc feed from the booster into two parallel busses (by bus here I mean both wires from the booster in my case both J and K from the Lenz system) and putting just one breaker in the pair that goes to the tracks. The other would go directly to the accessory decoders. From what I have read above this would appear to do what I require. Lenz command J _______________________________________________________________________________________ station/booster | Track bus via circuit breaker K __________ |___________________________________________________________________________ | | |_____|______________________________________________________________ | Direct bus to accessory decoders |____________________________________________________________
  17. As the title really. I am looking to protect my booster, but mainly I want to be able to continue throwing points after a short - usually caused by operator error - you know the sort of thing driving into wrongly set points and what have you. I understand the principles but see that there are a few different products with quite a wide range of prices. What sort of facilities should I be looking for, what pitfalls should I avoid and does any one have any particular recommendations? Would simply splitting the track from the accessory decoders on different circuit breakers allow me to fire points once there is a short on the track circuit? Do I need a circuit breaker on the Accessory decoder feed or would just one on the Track feed suffice? Thanks for any help
  18. Good morning one and all. Many happy returns. Andy. Have a good day whatever it is you are doing in your particular corner of the world.
  19. Then, hopefully, the RAIB investigation will establish what did happen and they will share it in good time.
  20. Good morning one and all. Have a great day.
  21. Quadruple clicks of the supportive button, John.
  22. So......... you buy things from a lady called groovychick80 and admit to it? You’ll be telling us that you don’t know the Duke of York next.
  23. Good morning evening, one and all. A good friend and I decided to pop up to South of the Forth today and sample the fringe atmosphere. It seems to get busier every year but still both very enjoyable and entertaining. Edit: I even managed to find a miniature whisky from one of the few distilleries that I don’t yet have in my collection. Result.
  24. That is truly inspirational. My daughter and son in law are unable to have children. I’m sure I will be able to show them that and, without diluting the original sentiments, adapt it for those who have to ‘stay at home’.
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