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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all. Have a good day.
  2. Good morning one and all. An extra shift with the NT beckons today. I may use it as an excuse for a cooked breakfast. Try to enjoy whatever it is you are up to today.
  3. I think that no club not just those in England are allowed to make direct payments to another club. Didn’t Manchester City allow Bury to use their state of the art facilities at Carrington rent free when they moved out?
  4. I understand that he still does hold shares in the holding company that owns Bolton and was refusing to sell unless the layers could agree a clause that would protect him from future claims in a civil court.
  5. There goes your chance of that Titanic moment then.
  6. Where have you put Shergar and Sam?
  7. As RAF96 mentions above, how are you switching between programming output and main track feed for when you run a loco in to your ‘programming siding?
  8. How have you wired the program track?
  9. Morning one and all Les Mis was superb. If you haven’t seen it and enjoy that sort of thing, do go. Credit to Newcastle upon Tyne for joined up thinking - if you have tickets for the theatre travel on the local transport system is free. Or is that the norm elsewhere too? We’ve had our few warm days and so, as is its wont, electric storms are to follow. Have a good day.
  10. It was at a local craft market in my home town but I believe it is one of those stalls that spends each day at a different market. It sells only jams and curds. If, over time you visit different markets you recognise the same stalls. They must all have a fixed rota. I will get hold of a jar nearer the time and bring it to Hartlepool.
  11. Morning all. On what threatens to be a very warm day we have tickets to see Les Miserables. They were booked nearly a year ago now and we thought it would be a good way to spend an (invariably) rainy August Bank Holidy Monday. On Friday, whilst browsing a local market I came across some ‘home made’ sugar free Lemon and Lime Curd. It is over a year since I have had any jam or the like so I thought I would give it a go. I’ve just had some with a slice of toast and it was delicious. Not sweet but just the right tartness. Enjoy your Monday and in the words of advice from those who know better than we do, don’t forget to drink.
  12. Morning all. Looks like it is going to be a warm one. I hope it doesn’t get too warm as the train set I play on can sometimes be temperamental if it gets too hot . We should be busy too, what with the weather forecast and it being a bank holiday and all that. I hate having to do my song and dance routine to entertain the crowds if the trains stop running. Have a good bank holiday weekend.
  13. Was it one of their mobile vans?
  14. Did someone mention Double Latte?
  15. It's always nice when someone quotes you and adds to your post - but one from Debs is a ray of sunlight breaking through some of the clouds we have recently had. As someone has already said Debs, pull up your chair (it's always been here although empty of late) and stay awhile.
  16. Up to now I have just built the sidewalls for the steps to the correct height. This morning I actually counted the number of steps. 39. Hmmm.
  17. Good morning all. It’s all a bit dull this morning, literally and metaphorically. However, things are forecast to brighten up later. I’ve a set of steps for the layout’s quayside to finish today. At the moment I’m filing each step to give a slight curve that implies years of use. Why do we go to such lengths? Enjoy your day, as best you can.
  18. Can’t we just ask the EU for a grant to finish it?
  19. I’m totally unfamiliar with touch screens, so forgive my stupid question. Is a touch screen simply a case of replacing an ordinary screen and mouse or is it a bit more complex requiring specific software to use it.
  20. Each blog brings a bigger speck of dust in my eye. And we’ve never met. Find your bright moments and please, share them with us.
  21. It has been known for me to go out and return with items unintended. My best effort was a rather expensive camera when I had been buying shoes. But a car? Respect.
  22. Good morning one and all. Make the most of your days.
  23. It’s a right sod, this cancer business. Our thoughts are with you and Sandy, John.
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