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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Birthday greetings and best wishes, John.
  2. I’ve always wondered how to keep the layout room warm in winter. I’ll let you know how it goes.
  3. I am currently wondering whether to go for gold membership or just subscribe via pocket mags. I understand the difference between ‘owning’ the copy of BRM and ‘licensing’ it whilst a member of gold. I see other advantages of Gold membership but note that the back catalogue can also be purchased through pocket mags. The main issue for me then are the extras that come with the magazine. With the Exactly, or whatever it is called, app do you get the additional photos and dvd content that comes with pocket mags and/or the paper edition.
  4. You assume that it’s cheaper buying it that way - but how many can be bothered to actually work it out or shop around? Plus, it’s all setrack if you are happy with that geometry.
  5. I’m so old I don’t have one fitted at all.
  6. The Fort are fourth from bottom of the Highland League and won a cup game 5-0 yesterday. Just saying.
  7. So why do I have to pay for it then?
  8. Which team scored the first try in the 2019 World Cup? A quiz question for the future. I hear Nigel Owens is whittering away as usual even though it’s Japan v Russia.
  9. Their fifth in ten months. That’s going some.
  10. A Roman soldier must have been gutted to be posted to the fort up there.
  11. BoD

    EBay madness

    Good job it was only N Gauge then.
  12. Asleep on Model Rail? Wouldn't happen with a copy of BRM. Just put the cheque in the post, Andy.
  13. Hope you put enough magazines out.
  14. No, they have been sent to the four corners of the earth and have gone to the ends of the earth. Ergo, the earth is flat.
  15. Near to where I live is a stabling siding for track machines. I have seen a Jet fuel tanker pull in and connect a hose up. That is Jet as in the petrol station chain not that it had jet fuel in it. It wasn't a large articulated tanker, just a four wheeled version. I'm guessing they had a compatible connector to use or do the fuel tanks on the locos have a standard 'socket' like those used to fill storage tanks in petrol stations?
  16. I have found that DCC Concepts themselves are very good at responding to queries.
  17. What did he die of on the other occasions?
  18. You’ve bought a pet hamster?
  19. Ron did duplicate some of the buildings he made for Pendon on his own layout.
  20. Good morning one and all. If all goes well, I will pop over to the Exhibition at Darlington at some point today then it is back to the NT tomorrow. On Thursday we had visitors from one of the areas depicted on our main layout. It was an “Ooh, there’s our church” moment. Enjoy your weekend, as best you can and whatever it is you are up to. Debs. Where are you?
  21. Can you tell I'm a bit bored this evening.
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