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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I don’t know your particular software or hardware (good start) but I would be methodical. if you just put a loco on the next block does the program show the block as occupied? Can you read that sensor with your hardware to check that it is sensing occupied? If it is not sensing is it the wiring? Possibly rewire/swap the second block with the first and see if it shows up there in case it is a duff channel on the feedback unit. Has it been addressed correctly in the block in the software? If it is sensing correctly, how did you set up routes from one block to the next in your particular software? Is that all correct and is the sensor correctly addressed and allocated, although if it works in simulation mode this sounds less likely the cause. I’m sure if there is something specific to your hardware/software setup someone will be aware of it and help you but in the first instance the above might be a starting point.
  2. Again sorry for going slightly off topic, but is it still the case that the Z21 cannot read block detection units that use the two Lenz RS bus wires for feedback?
  3. Does it consistently throw the same points ‘incorrectly’. I don’t want to sound rude but is there a mismatch in your wiring to to left hand/right hand solenoid coils and is the route set up to change the point accordingly.
  4. The one that was sitting on the front of her broom and is now just a pussy.
  5. Something like 10% * of electricity consumption goes on the interwebby thing, emails and particularly data banks. Many of our models come from China. So if we all gave up RMweb and model trains we would save the world. * other estimates are available.
  6. I use Rocrail to control my layout automatically or manually and sometimes half way between. It was a fairly steep learning curve. What has your dad done so far in Rocrail (or Train controller)? Has he set up a mimic of the layout and allocated the occupancy detectors to blocks. How is he controlling the points? In the rocrail documentation there are couple of walkthrough tutorials to set up or download fictitious layouts to understand the steps in setting up Rocrail for manual or automatic or operation.
  7. Japan to beat England in the final.
  8. BoD

    EBay madness

    If you buy an empty box what do they pack it in?
  9. Making sure that he gets to club nights and is socialising with like minded people may be a good starting point. Any practical activities that follow on from that will be a bonus.
  10. Yes, but how many jokes do you know that start with There was an Englishman, Irishman and Welshman.... .... apart from the one that involved all those sheep.
  11. A Scotsman walks into a pub. There should be an Englishman and Irishman there too but they are still in Japan.
  12. I can understand the preference for hard copy and it’s ease of reading and I must admit that at first I found it hard to adjust to the digital version. I did eventually get used to it, having taken my morning paper for a while in digital form. As someone has already mentioned it may well depend on your device. Rotating and switching to double page spread helps with the larger pictures but it does take practice to ‘manage’ the whole thing satisfactorily. I have a large screen IPad and it serves me well. On the plus side, tonight I’m sitting in a hotel room with all the issues of BRM back to 2007 at my fingertips.
  13. It seems that a plethora of other documents are also needed, to be read in conjunction with the safeguarding policy.
  14. I have recently purchased some squadron white putty but the tube was different to the last one I bought a few years ago and it says fast dry formula although still describing itself as a filler. However, the product itself is nothing like the old product. It is very runny, more runny than say evo-stick, and I found it very difficult to apply. I tried leaving it to dry a while at which point it became plasticky almost dough like and even harder to apply. Have I bought something different to the original squadron putty? Am I using it incorrectly? Has anyone found a technique to use this successfully? Thanks for any thoughts.
  15. Ah, that’s why our tumble drier has a setting marked sheets.
  16. A Roman soldier walked into a bar, raised two fingers, and said can I have five pints please.
  17. Each time I see that lovely little NCB Ryhope loco I can’t help wanting one. Even though I’ve no earthly use for it.
  18. I may have mentioned this before, but .......... ...... you don’t hang around, do you?
  19. Hello Richard and welcome. I can’t help with your issue but you may get more responses if you edit your first post and change the title to something more descriptive of the problem
  20. Sometimes it it can depend on which USB port you plug the SPROG into, the order in which you turn things on and whether or not it’s a full moon.
  21. Are you using DecoderPro? In the preferences it is possible to change sprog from programmer to command station. Also check the preferences - default section and set various services to Sprog rather than internal. This has worked for me before (and settings have mysteriously changed all by themselves, as they do) but your issue may be something completely different
  22. If it got as far down as Deneside it must have turned left at Ryhope instead of right. Beautiful little loco.
  23. Only just come across this. What a lovely little layout.
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