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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Is it just me or do a lot of fans from other teams like to see Leicester doing well? Ok, I’m a soft old fool and the sentiment around the tragic death of the owner comes into it, but they are not one of the ‘big’ teams and they are playing entertaining football. Got to give credit to Brendan Rogers too. It seems he can bring the best out of players and get them playing well together.
  2. …. or pack their cases.
  3. Get yourself to ‘The Works’ if you have one local and buy a pack of their cardboard gift tags. The pieces card can be found a use for but the reel of string they supply for tying the tags on is perfect for what you want. Even Sort of looks like wire rope when painted. Added bonus - dirt cheap. https://www.theworks.co.uk/p/wedding-invitation-cards/brown-square-string-tags---20-pack/5052089258792
  4. Nothing to do with masking but when were you going to weather the sides of the rails? I wouldn’t bother doing that on the bench because as you lay the track, particularly on flexitrack curves, movement of the rails within the chairs results in unpainted rail showing and the need to redo it.
  5. Mrs BoD often buys Christmas cards in January but then some from the local hospice. Always a good cause, wherever your local one is. Not spreading good cheer as such but I tend to buy mine, whilst on holiday, at the local Lifeboat Station shop. They are undoubtedly one of the emergency services but run by volunteers and financed through donations. The Christmas cards are very good too.
  6. BoD

    EBay madness

    Probably works best in an electric kettle.
  7. I’m always amazed at the number of people called A. Trialist who turn up at the start of the Scottish football season. They seem to score a fair few goals too.
  8. I suspect that, after various appeals, the penalty will about a third/half of the original. Which is probably what the RFU decided on in the first place but doubling it to take account of appeals or legal challenges, allowing everyone to save a bit of face.
  9. Ah, but can you them in emoticons?
  10. A comprehensive and well deserved victory for SA. Well done and worthy world champions. A Scotsman, Irishman and a Welshman walked into a bar....... to celebrate.
  11. Singing. When The Arms Park was in full voice the hairs on the back of the neck couldn’t help but stand on end.
  12. I've just read that book 1984. I don't remember it being like that at all.
  13. There is some flex. The whole plastic block supporting the axle can rotate although the springs are correctly fixed to the solebar. The lighter green plastic rod provides some springing to return it to the straight. I suspect it’s a design feature to cope with ‘train set’ curves but as you suggest, probably not their finest hour.
  14. Sorry to have hijacked your topic John. I’m sure there are many others with thoughts on mechanisms, traction and free (or otherwise) rolling.
  15. Thanks for that Steve but the whole design is, in my opinion, quite primitive and its not surprising that they are not good runners. There are no pinpoint bearings so your tool won't help. The axles drop into the u shaped grooves and the plastic shape clips over to hold them in place.
  16. Rolling ability. The opposite of free rolling, I have some of the Horny turquoise OTA timber wagons where the axles sit in an upturned u shaped slot. A rake of just six are very difficult to move. What a drag, literally and figuratively speaking.
  17. I’m really upset with my local cinema. They wouldn’t accept a fifty pound note in payment for my popcorn and drink. I had to pay with two twenties and a ten instead,
  18. How long, physically, are the sections being read by rhe sensor/
  19. What do you mean by ‘manage’ a 6 x 4 board? Is it permanent or storable? A 6 x 4 board with track, control and scenery will be pretty unwieldy. ‘if it is permanent a 6x4 board in an 8x5 room doesn’t leave much space to move around it. Against the walls would make whole sections unreachable. i don’t want to sound negative but these things need thinking through before you commit yourself.
  20. A Scotsman, Irishman, Australian and New Zealander walk into a pub ........
  21. I’m just enjoying having a wee dram that I’m sure I bought at that distillery last year.
  22. A piece by Rachmaninoff. I was so surprised at hearing his name I didn't notice which. Now that he has been on radio I must ask for his autograph next time we meet. I do hope they manage to get things sorted ready for the exhibition.
  23. It would appear that things are going pear shaped for Baz setting up the Leeds model railway exhibition. He has just had a request played on Classic FM to help them through.
  24. ...and what about Black Rod and his sister Dinah? Where do they fit in?
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