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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Blimey, inappropriate sexual behaviour on RMweb too. Whatever next?
  2. Evening all. I’ve never flown in a Chinook or owned a diesel with or without bugs. I feel, somewhat deprived. Nor have I ever eaten at Morrison’s so can’t comment on quality but I guess that some here might appreciate their ‘Black Friday’ breakfast. Nineteen items for £5. I can’t even imagine what a nineteen item breakfast looks like, unless perhaps it is one sausage and eighteen baked beans.
  3. I've only occasionally been on a smart motorway (there aren't any round here) but isn't it the idea that you met no issues because the variable speed limits held you back. Perhaps 70mph would have got you through no problem too, as I said I don't know these smart motorways are supposed to work.
  4. If you really want a personalised number plate it’s cheaper just to change your name by deed poll. Yours ND15 RTL
  5. This weekend seems to confirm a certain fondness for les cartes rouge.
  6. Wouldn’t it have been easier to drill I x 42 mm hole?
  7. I have to assume it is one person, same numbers, one prize (for whatever reason that is) because I have occasionally won twice on the same ticket when I have had two different lucky dips and on two different tickets. I’m puzzled as to why one person wouldn’t be allowed to win twice even with the same numbers.
  8. Some dogs are eminently sensible and refuse point blank to go out when it's hoyin' it doon. Not ours. Bod. Cold. Wet. Miserable.
  9. Mording all. Mrs BoD has giben me her code. She’s kind like that.
  10. …… and all new-born ones look like Winston Churchill.
  11. RAIB have issued a press release about their plans to investigate the incident. Other than describing the outcome, the only thing they say is that the first train was travelling at approx 5 mph and the second approx 14 mph. So a relative impact speed of approx 9mph. Earlier in the thread some assumed that the HST must have been stationary and braked for such damage to be caused. Apparently this is not the case.
  12. I remember having to go out early on Christmas Eve to stand in long queues at the butcher’s and baker’s (but not necessarily the candlestick makers). All to be guaranteed your fresh buns, bread, sausage rolls and Christmas meat. If you were lucky you got back in time to see Mr Magoo followed by Torchy the Battery Boy. It is much more convenient today but somehow it just isn’t the same.
  13. I suspect that if they are in danger of going down the much mooted ‘no relegation’ will be brought in post haste.
  14. Well that’s ruined Kane’s chance of selection for the Euro finals.
  15. Or, given the request was made 4 hours ago, the OP may have better things to do on a Sunday afternoon than come on here. Or may not have time/facilities to scan or photograph the documentation. Or may not have the time/facilities/skill to redact sections. Talk about jumping to conclusions.
  16. When that happened to me Dentist said it was to give me something to bite on. Just saying, like.
  17. Here I am, brain the size of a planet and you've just fried it,
  18. That bridge and background would have fit perfectly on Tetleys Mills. Alas, no longer possible.
  19. As the question in the title really. I have a number of uncoupling magnets for S&W couplers buried under the track and they will eventually be totally invisible to the eye. Hopefully. I’m looking for different ways to indicate their exact location. What are the best/most interesting/ingenious/wacky ways of doing this that you have used or seen?
  20. Stunning photos when compared to the prototype. An inspiration and I really should be getting on with mine.
  21. They use Track Shack. Morning all.
  22. Regarding your original post about splitting your layout into blocks.... I’m not sure what information Iain gave you in his PM but might I suggest that if you are going to progress with automation you need to fully understand the ideas behind blocks and routes, irregardless of the software and hardware used. It would be beneficial to you if you understood these and divided your own plan accordingly. It would certainly make life easier for you in the future and inform your decision making regarding hardware and software.
  23. I am tied to Lenz (using Rocrail) to control my layout. The decision to go with Lenz many, many years ago was probably correct for me at the time and because I stuck with it when buying block detectors, to migrate now would be very expensive. Don’t get me wrong, my Lenz equipment is very reliable and more than ‘does the job’ but I worry about their lack of development compared to newer offerings. If I were starting again I probably would seriously consider other options. I use the LDT RS 8 occupancy detectors. They are relatively expensive but so far, touch wood, reliable. I am just hoping that someone develops or includes an RS ‘sniffer’.
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