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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Well that’s the Christmas decorations up......... ......... and Mary hasn’t even told Joseph she’s pregnant yet. Bah.
  2. Bluddy Christmas tree lights. That’s all.
  3. Morning all. Today is being/will be spent putting up Christmas decorations. My comment “It’s too early” was met with a look that told me it will be done today. If I had my way we would still be collecting the tree with the turkey on Christmas Eve. I suppose I could put some Christmassy music on, after all I’ve just been reminded ‘tis the season to be jolly’. Ho, ho ho, then.
  4. But wasn't the second shock van in that particular train an ex LMS one?
  5. Were they working alright before?
  6. Usually about an hour after sunset.
  7. Evening all. Just catching up after a hectic but enjoyable weekend. Yesterday was spent, after the dog’s and my walk, watching a local rugby match several tiers down the league ladder. As it was a local derby it attracted a crowd of, oh, I don’t know, about a hundred. My favoured team won whilst scoring some nice-to-watch tries on the way. Today was spent in Newcastle on my annual Daddy and daughter day out/Fenwick’s windows/Christmas market/Christmas shopping day. Hectic but rounded of with an enjoyable meal. I managed to do all my Christmas shopping but It hasn’t half knocked a hole in available funds. I think I may be even more frazzled than Baz. Sorry to read various tales of woe and I hope that things work out for the best for all concerned.
  8. So now all you have to do is buy the plugs and solder them up or buy male to male cables.
  9. You should have saved the washing up and just waved the lemon curd tarts about. The pastry rim might be just what you are looking for.
  10. I'd have thought there would have been a lot more than 11 series.
  11. There's an additional fee if you want the attachments too.
  12. ……..and what about those who constantly post on twitface-agram whilst on holiday? Yes, we know, but do they also risk invalidating household insurance?
  13. Rogers has already dismissed the rumours saying he was happy at Leicester and doesn't need to look elsewhere. I guess the odds for him going shortened straight after that.
  14. Evening all. I’ve just put the sprouts on ready for Christmas lunch. I know some here will have had theirs going since October but don’t leave yours too late.
  15. As RobD2 says but I didn’t even connect the frog and have had no problems as the ‘dead’ section is so short. Having said that, the shortest wheelbase I use is a Class 08 0-6-0 diesel shutter.
  16. Isn’t it sad* that our economy actually relies on this sort of thing. *Other descriptions are available.
  17. Or in your case, the hippo you are today.
  18. It seems very similar to how things were just before previous versions collapsed. Hopefully though, the software and data storage facilities will have improved since then.
  19. I understand that Ena Sharples no longer gets into the Rovers Return either.
  20. Looks interesting, especially the ability to store 5 routes with unique addresses but only if you can individually change each address and they don’t program sequentially automatically. I was thinking along the lines of having more than one of these devices controlling a fiddle yard with the same address setting a route via more than one of these decoders. However, one of the advantages of the DCCconcepts decoder, for me, is its ability to change the frog polarity, although I appreciate that there are many other ways to do this.
  21. I guess it’s time I went for a walk.
  22. Your outside loo had a conservatory?
  23. Facetious reply: yes, you could fit one but I’m not sure where and it wouldn’t do anything. Less facetious reply: some decoders are specified as sound decoders, having on board memory with recorded sounds to be replayed through a speaker. Others are non-sound decoders which only have motor and ‘lighting’ outputs. Sound decoders tend to be quite a bit more expensive. You need to ascertain what type of decoder you have. If it is a sound decoder there would be a speaker attached or specific pads ( see manual) to which you would solder the speaker. I’m not sure if Bachman produce any sound decoders but I am not up to date with their catalogue.
  24. It’s a long while since your lovely threesome have been seen on here. Such sweet memories. How did that Memorial brass loco go?
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