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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Bet you he's glad the bulb he had with him had the correct fitting.
  2. I like trains. I like classical music. But that’s awful. Sorry.
  3. .... which might improve your modelling immensely. p.s. it has been noticeably slow today.
  4. Might this not be simply a case of people using the wrong terminology?* When we were young the whole controller that came with our train set was called ‘the transformer’. Just google train set or model railway transformers and it still happens today. Some manufacturers don’t help either. For many the power supply unit of whatever type is just the transformer. This is not acceptable for those who are ‘into’ electronics, professionally or otherwise, but for the majority of laypersons it does the job. Out of interest, and not being up to date with these things, is there a single device that can change the DC voltage and what is it called? * If I were Churchill I might call it a terminological inexactitude.
  5. A much underrated instrument, the recorder, for a particular style of music. I was taught the descant at junior school (weren’t we all?) but when most others gave up I persevered and, I like to think, reached a reasonable standard. I also played the treble and tenor in an ensemble. It’s a good few years now since I picked one up although I still have them all. If I were to try again the fingers would need a lot of loosening up and I’m sure the memory for the fingering, which was once automatic will have gone. How long it would take to come back, if ever, I am unlikely to find out. I doubt if my fingers would even stretch far enough to play the tenor recorder again.
  6. Dear Santa Just a short note to let you know that yes, I have been naughty this year and yes, I did enjoy it you fat, interfering b******!!!!
  7. If you get wet on the outside you need to drink at the pub to counterbalance it otherwise you will shrink unevenly.
  8. Morning all. It is bright and sunny here although we had a good bit rain yesterday evening. Re Hb1Ac I’ve had quite a good year and a half since being first diagnosed. It was up to 58 when I was called before the nurse (no sign of any pre diabetes) but when measured again, a year later, we had got it down to 40........ and I’d lost six inches from my waist. I think I’ve lapsed a wee bit since then and need a reboot and to appreciate that it is a ‘for life’ thing. As Mike says weight loss was sensible, changing what I ate and reducing portion size. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed cooking meals something I have never done up to now. We have used recipes from the Diabetes.co.uk website and most of the meals are very nice indeed. By sharing my meals Valerie has lost weight too. Increased walking with or without the dog has no doubt helped too. Have a good day one and all.
  9. ..... or the UK side of his business is relatively small so it won’t affect him greatly.
  10. Cannot or will not? It seems strange that I can order directly from, say, China but not the EU. Has the EU brought in pre-emptive regulations of which we are not aware?
  11. My iPad automatically keeps the image upright so I don’t know what people are laughing at.
  12. On a school skiing trip, many years ago I had to go to a bank to withdraw the pupil’s spending money. I was carrying several million Lira. Just under a thousand pounds I think it was.
  13. ..... and once you have driven a 37/4 fitted with sound and a decent speaker ......
  14. ‘Why haven’t we dot a ‘stop gloating’ button?
  15. Morning all. Really good to see a post from Mike, sixoh.....
  16. ..... in Wales it’s Larry the Lamb
  17. For some, now unfathomable reason, I bought and still have the sheet music for that. Those were the days when most good music shops stocked the sheet music for the ‘popular’ songs. I’ve still got quite a collection somewhere. Eye Level by The Simon Park Orchestra springs to mind. Name the TV show.
  18. ........... and you told us these dating apps were a good thing.
  19. Evening all. Mrs BoD and the daughter have gone away for the weekend and she didn’t even leave a list. No m****ing has been done (so put that awl away Your Debship) but I did manage to watch a couple of rugby games on TV which wouldn’t normally happen. I suppose that, provided I do the washing up before she returns, tomorrow is mine too.
  20. Blimey, that must have cost most of next week’s beer money.
  21. Morning all. No decorations to put up or sprouts to cook. I’m sure something else will be suggested though. Have you seen the price of the latest Apple Mac Pro and associated addy on bits? I know it’s aimed at ‘top end’ professionals but blimey. Have a good day.
  22. .... and how do other plants run away when they hear the squeals of pain? Morning all. Should, due to circumstances, our Christmas decorations come down before January 6th the crib always remains until Epiphany and the arrival of the three wise men (who have been hiding behind the Sky box up until that point).
  23. Good grief Tony, did you really have to.
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