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Everything posted by BoD

  1. ‘Talking of Facebook I have recently contacted one or two members thereon. Originally it was in order to see the video of those numpties with the 8x4 baseboard. I noticed there are quite a few other members of ER also on Facebook and so I may fire out a few more requests. This is purely because I would like to think I could still keep in touch with friends here if anything ever happened to RMweb. Unlikely I know, but on past experience and with recent goings on.........
  2. Well, for the last time in 2019.... It won’t be long before I am catching up on my beauty sleep. Long gone are the days when New Year’s was a 24 hour do. I will shortly enjoy an, as yet undecided, malt and so wish you and yours all that you would wish yourselves for the coming year. Finally I would just like to say this...... This.
  3. I signed up with Barclays when I first went to Uni - they were just across the road from the Union building and bar - so most convenient. They were good to me when I occasionally struggled back in the day (do you see a connection there?), so I have remained loyal to them ever since. However, I’m seriously thinking about going over to Santander as their current account pays more in cash back and interest than many of the savings/ISA accounts that are around. Has anyone got any experience of Santander?
  4. Has Sharon Stone not been in touch yet?
  5. Remember - Food is also part of a balanced diet.
  6. It just says; Video unavailable Sorry this video cannot be played. I’ll just have to imagine what happens from the video still. It doesn’t take much imagination does it?
  7. BoD

    EBay madness

    But in their blurb they do warn that they will be charging a lot .
  8. Apart from logging on to Facebook, how does one do that?
  9. The Pedants’ revolt. Led by Wat Which Tyler
  10. I'm still waiting for the punchlines.
  11. Holliday pay? That was awful.
  12. On holiday in St. Ives from the Durham coast I came across a toy/model shop in Penzance. I actually bought some plastic strip too. Is that a record within England? What about others wholly within the UK?
  13. Ah, but haven’t you heard? It’s a game of two halves.
  14. I’m on statins and since starting haven’t cut my thumb once.
  15. Morning all. I have been awake a lot during the night with a rasping chesty cough. The good news is that this is usually the last stage of a cold for me if it follows its normal pattern. I suspect that, after this mornings walk, random snoozing will occur. Have a good day one and awl.
  16. Perhaps not the wisest choice of words there Debs when talking to Bob.
  17. Mrs BoD works for one of the big supermarkets and is at work today (well, someone has to pay for the trains). She doesn’t mind being there but what irks her will be the people who say “what a shame you have to work on Boxing Day”. There are a surprising number who do say this, or similar, without seeing the irony of it. She just smiles sweetly whilst really wishing she could say “well don’t come chuffin shopping then”. Have a good day whatever you are up to. Edit. p.s. I hope that doesn’t sound offensive to those who work over the holiday period to keep essential services going and whose dedication is greatly appreciated.
  18. I think you speak for us all there, Neil.
  19. Well, I suppose I better go and acquire some gifts for the nearest and dearest. Do any of you well travelled people know of a 24hr Service Station that does gift wrapping?
  20. Morning all The cold that I felt coming on on Sunday has now developed into full blown man flu. What good timing. I’m not sure if this is a new one or the return of the one I had a few weeks ago that I never quite managed to totally shake off. Still...... ‘tis the season to be jolly and all that.
  21. A pub called ‘The Flowing Spring’ is underwater. Prince Charles visits flood victims in a village called Fishlake. It seems our ancestors weren’t just being random as they named places in times gone by. I’m sure our readers can supply examples of their own.
  22. BoD

    EBay madness

    At least he has produced a list. Many sales like this just include a few photos for details leaving a potential buyer to guess.
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