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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all. Reading various topics outside of our own little world here reminds me of what a wonderful organ the brain is. For some it works from the moment they get up right until the they log on to a computer forum. Enjoy the rest of your day and I hope those feeling under the weather, for whatever reason, recover soon
  2. Morning all. No dog sitting for the next few days so it was straight to the paper shop and back earlier on. There is a strong wind a’ blowing but fortunately it is from a Southerly-ish direction rather than a Northerly or Nor’easterner. I fear I will have to force myself to go for a walk. I love it once I’m out there but on these darker, windy days getting out in the first place becomes less and less attractive, especially with no muzzle nudging me in encouragement. On the other hand I could just stay in, ‘muddle’ through the day and watch a bit sport later.
  3. Morning all. Daughter’s car is off the road, so for the third day running I am taking her to work. By the time I have been and picked her up this takes well over an hour. That seems to put my whole day out of sync. On the industrial estate (industrial? hah, call centre estate) where the nursery where she works is situated, there is a catering van whose bacon and sausage buns are highly recommended and despite everything, still of industrial proportions. As it is Friday I might stop off and try one as a treat. A question to those with metered water. Is there a standing charge element to the bill to cover other services provided?
  4. We start ours going on the first of each month ......… even if the previous month had less than 31 days.
  5. For fine work I use the Deluxe Pin Point applicator. Quite expensive for what it is but does a great job.
  6. ....... and they’ve put the steering wheel on the wrong side.
  7. Morning all. Couldn’t hang the tea bag out to dry as it’s been/still is persisting down.
  8. Trust you to reply with gust-o. Well I suppose you have to do something to earn your crust. And I promise not to mention your rust.
  9. By, that's going some.
  10. Whatever he does and whatever pricing/upgrade structure he has in place, it seems to work for him. Is he a one man business/cottage industry. I would guess RR&Co has paid for itself many times over.
  11. Ooops. I bet it all seemed to happen in ultra slow motion and you still couldn’t do a thing about it. Got the T-shirt. Oh dear, there’s a loco falling off the end of the layout. I can catch that. I’ve nearly got it. Kerrashhh No I Haven’t.
  12. It is said that at one time, in County Durham, to get a headship you had to be a card carrying member of the Labour Party, Welsh or a Methodist lay preacher. All three and you were a shoo in.
  13. Why me? I once had a wrestling match with music stands and lost....... ......... Badly.
  14. Is Ian Abel’s absence a planned one? Or simply that he is not at work. I know Robert said he wouldn’t be here until after the hols. i hope the explanation is as simple as above.
  15. Morning all. Ooh, Ernie has been kind. Now what shall I spend my £25 on? Have a good weekend one and awl.
  16. Morning all. Dull but dry. Is that the wine or the weather? Who knows. This morning I am meeting up with a couple of friends for coffee. Not on bikes but definitely OFs. Think Foggy, Clegg and Compo. On the way I will call into a muddling shop to stock up on some of the little things that run out all too frequently and at the worst possible moment. Have a great day.
  17. Does your boss not yell instructions then?
  18. How awful. But if that’s the best place for him ..............
  19. OT but remove the steam and that could quite happily be in the ‘prototype that looks like a model’ thread.
  20. Do the points have separate feeds or are you feeding them through fish plates. They could be something to check. A house move suggests something may have been shaken or dislodged. Wiring can look fine but may not be making a good connection. Do you have any sort of meter you can use to check for continuity?
  21. Morning all The sky is providing a strange pink light this morning. Thankfully nothing to do with fires. Stay safe wherever you are.
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