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Everything posted by BoD

  1. They all just look like my SatNav pointer and I’m sure it must have been around a long time before they were.
  2. The price history is interesting. Perhaps they saw you looking and put the price up again.
  3. Go on, be honest, did you stay ‘till the end?
  4. You could use CV5 to set a lower Maximum voltage, although that depends on you being able to alter CV5 on your particular decoder. However setting that accurately depends on you knowing the track voltage of your Elite. As an aside that sounds like a pretty poor design to me unless the cleaner has high drag and this is an attempt to limit current draw.
  5. Very well thanks. Trackwork and signalling done. It's amazing how being able to run trains gets in the way of other things. Haven't updated thread on here for a good while but have been pottering on with the scenery and buildings. Like you and your track I've done this in manageable chunks away from the layout and hopefully soon the whole lot will slot together like well made jigsaw. Well that's the theory anyway.
  6. I'd hate to see one of your long term projects then.
  7. An interesting layout. A coincidence that DRS’s depot at Kingmoor is also on a River Eden?
  8. I have been retired four and a half years now and am only just starting to sleep later than six o’clock. I now get up at six thirtyish. Morning all.
  9. But someone would still do a video talk through of you doing it and post it on you tube.
  10. Morning all. Many happy returns, Mick. As I mentioned earlier they have recently dug up our street/pavements and laid fibre. Received a letter this morning saying that they are going to start digging up the street/pavements to replace gas pipes. I know (hope) they will be at different depths and locations but surely it would make sense to have some sort of integrated plan. Oh, and in their mail shot type letter they say the work will commence on 43186. Any cryptologists on here?
  11. I've never heard of typhus corrosion with bits in but use a varied mix of Humbrol leather, rust, black and any orange I have to hand, the latter in small amounts only. I file hardened DAS clay or pastel colours into a course powder and mix this into the paint, the whole mess is applied with an old stiff brush or cocktail stick or anything else that happens to be lying on the workbench.
  12. Morning all. no frost here this morning although there has been for the last couple of days. Still quite refreshing though and a beautiful sky as the sun started to colour it in.
  13. Thoughts are with you and all concerned, Dave.
  14. Morning all. Mutt is here again so I am being muzzled to death for a walk. Just this last crossword clue to crack then off we go. The sports pages will have to wait. At least it is bright and sunny if a touch breezy. We live 15 miles from Quebec and it’s not that much further to No Place.
  15. Attach your fit-bit watch to the washing machine on its spin cycle. You can soon rack up your 10,000 steps.
  16. Afternoon all Good to read that Sherri's issue seems to be under control. Long may that be the case. Also glad, in a perverse sort of way, that Baz is getting wet. In other news they have decided to bring us in the North East into the 21st century and are paving the streets with fibre. Or at least burying it in the streets. Unfortunately they seem to need to close things off and then they only work in fits and starts, so access, parking and things in general are a nightmare. I'm guessing they won't work weekends either. Will it all be worth it? Who knows?
  17. One possible explanation of the strange odds sometimes quoted by bookies Is that they are a spin of from pre-decimalisation days. Ah, two bob at 9/4. That’s 9 tanners you win (plus your stake of course). And for my next useless piece of information ........
  18. We had a much better, although worrying, experience with the NHS yesterday. My daughter has been under the weather since New Year’s day with what appeared to be a cold. Over the weekend she started vomiting frequently. On Sunday a call to 111 and a booking at a walk in centre resulted in a diagnosis of sinusitis? As she was still vomiting and feeling much worse by yesterday morning a phone call at 8am to her GP resulted in an appointment at 10past 10. As her husband had already gone to work she asked me to go down and take her. She was in with the doctor a fair while and he wasn’t happy with symptoms which by now included a very high heart rate and other anomalies. He booked her directly into the Emergency assessment/admission unit of the local hospital and offered her a (non emergency) ambulance to take her. As I was there I took her. There she had the best of treatment and after after various assessments and treatments, including rehydration and various injections, was feeling a bit better. Tests continue. We are still worried about her and weren’t too impressed with the 111 service but can’t fault anything thereafter and are grateful for such a service. Morning all. Enjoy your day and may all who are ailing feel better soon.
  19. That’ll be down to all those blood stains.
  20. According to a report in this morning’s paper there are 20 pregnancies on Barra. This is two and a half times the UK rate. Perhaps they do need the chance to get out more.
  21. I suspect that the necessary technologies for power production and storage are yet to be invented. It has long been known that fossil fuels were a finite resource (I even featured on radio in the 70’s regarding this topic) and will soon be, for this and eco-reasons, a thing of the past. Sadly, given that most economies are driven by profit and ‘market forces’ it is unlikely that money will be spent on the necessary research until existing resources are very nearly exhausted or the possible alternatives are more profitable. There are some that would argue that this is the best/only way the the necessary new technologies will be achieved. Enough of poly ticks I say.
  22. Give careful consideration to the DCC system you go for. It is much more complicated to throw points on some than it is on others. By complicated I mean number of key presses needed both to get there and back to loco control - it’s not hard when you have done it a few times just more time consuming depending on the number of turnouts to throw - although some systems do allow setting whole ‘routes’ through a few key presses.
  23. Perhaps the electricity can be stored as static in the wool of all the sheep that are grazing there.
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