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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I thought the Ireland Wales match would have been a closer result and but for one very close TMO decision in might have been. The later match just reinforced England’s inability to think on the field. No names mentioned but Ooh - He’s just kicked long and the wind has taken it straight into touch. Ohh - He’s just done it again. Ooh - I’ve just kicked it long and it went straight into touch. I wonder why that happened. Initially I thought England had done well in the first half against the wind and would pile on the pressure in the second half but no, Scotland adapted and kept pressing only running out of steam (and forward replacements) in the last quarter. I suppose it is a squad game now. And now the English commentators saying England’s six nations hope are alive and kicking. No the wonder the rest don’t like us and think us arrogant.
  2. Another driver who doesn’t know where his indicators are.
  3. ...... but how did you manage to divide it up between all of your new admirers?
  4. Whatever happened to real modelling? Scratch build your own iceberg - or at least buy one in kit form.
  5. Thanks, I was thinking the same about their looks myself. I will watch the rest of your layout develop with interest. I am sure it will be superb. Edit: I’ve just had a quick browse and see what you mean about ‘an expensive choice’. Still, if they look the part......
  6. Still enjoying your work very much. Can I ask about the platform lights at Crianlarich? Did you purchase them or are they home made?
  7. Did it not say no new countries reporting cases. There were over 3000 new cases. https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20200204-sitrep-15-ncov.pdf?sfvrsn=88fe8ad6_2
  8. Posts in wheeltappers aren't added to your count. Otherwise my post count would suggest several hundreds of intelligent contributions from an amazingly helpful and erudite person whereas in reality most would be inconsequential whitterings.
  9. Morning all. It is indeed nice to see ‘new blood in ERs. It would also be nice to see some of the missing ‘old blood’ pop back in. Yesterday was spent at the National Trust titivating and tidying the layouts. Winter closure is the time for their spring clean and maintenance. Fortunately there is a good team of volunteers. Unlike some on here I am definitely not Nomadic. I have lived in the same town here on the Durham coast for my entire life. In one way, I have been fortunate to be able to make progression in my career without changing establishment. And we were happy here with strong family and friendship ties. Even when I went to Uni I was just along the road at Durham. At least I could easily pop home some weekends for a good feed and to have my washing done. I suppose in doing this I have missed out on many things but, overall, have no regrets. Have a good day/evening/night or whatever.
  10. BoD

    EBay madness

    One of the photos shows a ‘Recyclable’ label. Is that a suggestion I wonder.
  11. Was looking for a decrepit boatyard and came across this picture which I really liked …... ….. and so came up with this. Still needs a bit of work and siting in the ground but I'm quite pleased with it.
  12. He was just being hippo critical. Morning all.
  13. Only 1 in 10 people understand binary. The other half don’t.
  14. Even a couple of bottles of Tim Taylor's Landlord whilst watching couldn't numb the pain. Perhaps I should open another to try and erase the memory.
  15. France are playing very well - but England are <insert your own description here>
  16. Each output on the Switch It can supply 40mA. A tortoise draws about 15mA. I’ll let you do the sums. I’ve not tried it myself, but as each output’s address can be set individually, can you set two or more to the same address. Then it would be just a case of getting the connections the right way round on the tortoise and firing one point address could set all 4/5. That might not work at all but could be worth a try as you are experimenting.
  17. BoD

    EBay madness

    You can sort of imagine what he was trying to achieve ..... but .........
  18. Scottish fans must be tearing their hair out - for many reasons.
  19. Pikler triangle. I had to look that one up. If you cut the cardboard tube that a decent whisky comes in about one third of the way down it is excellent storage for your packs of plastic strip and you can easily see the size of the strip. I’m aiming to have one for each size in the Evergreen and Plastruct range.
  20. Looking down the right hand side of the notice I thought it might have been which is why I put it here in Things that make you smile rather than in Wacky signs.
  21. I’ve heard of ‘one stop’ shops but .........
  22. Morning all. Yesterday we tried some of this vegetarian/vegan food stuff. Overnight I think I’ve produced more methane than a whole field of cows. Bejayzus, talk about cutting out the middle man.
  23. Delete and reinstall the App on the original phone?
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