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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Doomed, we're all doomed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_Frazer
  2. BoD

    Little Muddle

    I love your model of the quayside and the boats in particular. This may have been asked before but do you have an interest in modelling boats too or were they built specifically for the layout?
  3. Thanks. I think I have already said that I try to work from pictures from the area where possible. However when looking for a dilapidated shed for the boatyard I couldn't fine a suitable one, the ones at Mallaig being too large and there being no photos of others. I found this picture of one in East Anglia and liked it so much I just had to have a go at it. I was pleased the way this turned out. The paint colour varies to allow it to fit in with other buildings on the layout but I think it should look ok once 'planted'. After all a dilapidated boatyard is a fairly generic type of building.
  4. That deserves a seriously loud and prolonged groan.
  5. That’s brilliant news, given that today is Friday. Seriously though, what makes you think it would so easily be dealt with.
  6. If you have sound decoders fitted that may affect the synchronisation and how the sound relates to movement. Don’t forget to record the CV settings before you change them so that if worse comes to worse you can reset them to what they were originally.
  7. I don’t remember what it was called but the top twenty were played on Radio 2 on a Sunday night after Sing Something Simple. It may even have been the release of the ‘new’ chart for that week. Not sure about that though.
  8. Altogether now. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah , Sing.............. Morning all. Have a good Friday.
  9. Some lovely stock and weathering there. I may have said before, but I do like the idea of you being able to run a system with the trains having meaningful schedules.
  10. Keep rambling, Polly. What you say makes good sense. As there was a Crianlarich (Lower) and a Crianlarich (Upper), Crianlarich (Even Further Up) might work.
  11. Guess that rules you out of taking penalties as well then.
  12. BoD

    EBay madness

    I’ll see your Kit-built and raise you a Rebuilt.
  13. You’ve capsized her already.
  14. I wonder if all of these Corona based jokes will go viral.
  15. Would it be necessary for switch 1? The tracks could be wired from switch 2 in parallel although you wouldn’t be able to leave a loco on one when testing on the other.
  16. Will you be wanting to use your controllers elsewhere? If so, it might be easier to make the test board/programming track a self contained unit with a pair of 4mm banana plug sockets or a 'chocolate block' type terminal on it. Then you could make up a set of leads with banana plugs on or just plain wires and connect each controller or part of the dcc controller as required.
  17. Morning all. I seem to have another cold. What? Wait? Don’t run away. Where has everyone gone?
  18. One of my favourite destinations. I’m looking forward to Seeing this one develop.
  19. If you look at the individual train details under the ‘Pathed as’ heading it says either Class 220/221 DMU or High Speed Train
  20. A new toy bought at Model Rail Scotland. A DCCconcepts Alpha meter...….. Do I need one? Probably not - but I like new toys and all things techy which explains why I computerised the whole thing when I didn't really need to do that either. I was wondering how much current the whole thing was drawing anyway and it did show me that there was very little voltage drop across the layout. The 1.15 amps shown is with nothing running and all sound and lights turned off. With several sound engines burbling away and a couple running it only ever gets up to about 2.5A. I had thought I might be closer to the limit than that. I haven't tried in full automatic mode yet when apart from the moving trains on the layout there could be shuffling in the fiddle yard and me manual shunting in the branch station. I will eventually spend some time looking at the draw of different loco and train combinations. Again, probably no need but an interesting exercise. The whole thing needs tidying up too, but a fascia and permanent shelving will be built in as the scenics are done and a mimic will be set up using LEDs (again DCCconcepts) to show routes and point setting.
  21. Perhaps you aren't shouting loud enough. It might work if you go to the bottom of the garden and try it.
  22. Yes, it does seem a bit daft, even to me, now that I've thought about it. I don't think I would ever have scrapped all of the buildings so it was either start something new based on the WHL or accept that what I had done was never going to be Crianlarich and just continue with this as a fictitious location - this is route that I have chosen.
  23. I travelled up Shap earlier last year and at the top thought, “Hah, there’s the cottages they built based on Paul’s model”
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