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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Thanks. I’ve experimented with that but never seem to get a convincing base colour. I would also like to depict some movement in the water as it would be a sea loch. I think more research and experimentation is needed.
  2. We will be ok. We’ve just panic bought a load of dog food - we usually buy in bulk anyway, but if the worst comes to worst we can fight him for it. Valerie works at Asda, bless her, and said this morning was busier than at Christmas.
  3. Many happy returns, Neil.
  4. Morning all. I feel exactly the same about cruises as Chris does. Valerie would love to go on one. We had planned to do this when she retires next year and had even started ‘looking’. I keep telling her that this is a sign from above below. Have a good day.
  5. Congratulations to you and the family Ref. (First time I’ve spoken well of a Ref in years)
  6. The difference is amazing. It is not surprising that you are delighted with it.
  7. Thanks Mike. That's an interesting thought. I've a similar book, Lost Lines Scotland by Nigel Welbourn which has languished on my bookshelf for I don't know how long and after your post I dug it out. It has a section on that line and whilst it doesn't have any photos of Kentallen, there are photos of the stations at Benderloch and Duror. As indicated in your second photo above these were to the same design. Benderloch, now there's an interesting name.
  8. Damn, I’ve been rumbled. When I decided to take the branch to a terminus rather than the fiddle yard I made a list of what I would like to see there. A quayside, possibly with a Clyde Puffer and a distillery were high on the list, sentimental old fool that I am. I looked at a few track plans from real locations and other layouts - and you know what - Glenuig ticked many of the boxes and could,with a few changes, fit the space available. And as you say it is rather lovely.. I know it’s wrong to model a model but after much deliberation, and given that this was a purely fictional location anyway, I decided to adapt the track plan and some of the features of Glenluig. I hope to end up with something that is discernibly different to Glenluig but has that West Highland (in this case extension) flavour. I hope I don’t offend anyone with this approach.
  9. We got our water rates notice today. It had gone down by about £70. I’m still in shock. Of course, that was totally wiped out, and more, by the increase in the council’s rates. Then came the renewal notice for the car insurance. No way, mate. Time to go compare or whatever, methinks. Enjoy the rest of your evening, morning, afternoon or night.
  10. Thanks for that, Rhys. The docks are a combination of Balsa and Slaters plasticard. The grey stones along the top is a balsa strip scribed regularly, painted grey and then toned down with a dirty black wash. The bollards I picked up at a stand at a model railway exhibition and I can't remember which one, sorry. I often just pick things up when at exhibitions if I think they will be useful later. I'm sure this stall will be at York at Easter and I can find the name if you are interested. I used one of Slaters dressed stone sheets for the wall and the wooden beams are again balsa, this time of a square section and distressed with a wire brush before painting. Anything I have missed please ask. p.s. I'm dreading doing the actual water. Any suggestions anyone?
  11. Him: Why are we running out of toilet paper? Me: Because when one person sneezes another hundred sh!t themselves.
  12. This is probably more than just an urban myth - for several reasons, ambiance being only one of them. Very wise.
  13. ...... and what did you foretell?
  14. Thoughts are with you and your family, Mick.
  15. ChrisF: had you heard that Dublin has cancelled its St Patrick's Day parade? They must be very concerned (or cautious) to allow that to happen. Still, there's plenty of time for things to change between now and the end of June.
  16. And now Saturday's France v Ireland game has been postponed. Who knows when. or indeed if, this years 6N will be decided?
  17. Morning all A nice bowl of porridge with stewed apple and cinnamon has been consumed to break my fast. I’m not sure how good (or bad) the apple will be for sugar levels but I don’t think I could face a bowl of plain porridge. The apple was a fresh one stewed myself (is there no end to the man’s talents I hear you ask) so I know that any sugars will be natural and none will have been added which would be the case had I used tinned stuff. We are dog sitting again, which we seem to do about 50% of the time these days, so no doubt I will soon be summoned and commanded to walk. ChrisF some time ago I attempted to rationalise my magazines by cutting out, filing and indexing articles I thought of use and discarding the adverts and irrelevant ones. I will leave you to guess how far I got with that.
  18. Went to the loo in the local shopping centre today. Everyone was standing around the washbasins singing. Funny place to have a birthday party, I thought.
  19. Oh dear, it appears I have just cooked our last half packet of emergency rations for our evening meal. Seriously though I have just been discussing with my sister if we should take mum and do a ‘big’ shop and let her stock up with things. As I’ve said before she is fiercely independent and most certainly wouldn’t let us do one for her. Are we being sensible or just jumping on the panic bandwagon. Funnily enough, any advice issued would probably apply to us too.
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