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Everything posted by BoD

  1. For years they said Barbara Windsor deserved an Honour for her service to double entendres. Eventually they gave her one.
  2. Have you seen how long my 'To Do' list is?
  3. It's an ambitious plan and I'm looking forward to seeing it progress. Will Shap be permanently 'built into it' or do you have a plan that allows it to be temporarily removed for further exhibitions?
  4. If you decide to buy one to make your own face mask use the left cup otherwise you will look like a right t!t. Morning all.
  5. I have just gone back through ERs and read your post Simon. That is so, so sad. Thoughts are with you and your friend’s widow. I think it encapsulates what many of us fear at the moment, what some are trying to ignore and what a few will go through in the weeks to come. I hope I am wrong.
  6. Having been retired for a while now, I’m obviously not up to speed with the latest management phrases, techniques or bullish!t.
  7. Brilliant Have you written an algorithm to generate these terms or is it all your own work?
  8. No walk today. Oven cleaning time. I have cleaned the glass door and shelves, and have brushed the inside with the cleaning gunk. Having a cup of coffee whilst waiting for it to do its stuff - then comes the messy bit. I wonder how many extra trillion zillion bytes of storage RMweb will use before this virus business is all over.
  9. And Robert too. I got the impression that he only accessed RMweb from a work based computer so hopefully he is at home and well.
  10. Morning all. It is Valerie’s birthday soon. Lockdown came before I had bought either card or present. When I do our weekly shop I will try to remedy this. I fear a supermarket birthday card and ‘garage’ flowers will have to do, if indeed any are available. I could start a new wave of panic buying here. Stay safe and well.
  11. They are starting to take shape now ……. Lots of tidying up to do ….. .....and lots more to make. I think though that they can be done over time and added to the layout as and when I do them.
  12. I volunteered to help out. They asked me if I would rather be Prime Minister or Health Secretary.
  13. Morning (ish) all. Our son’s shifts have finished so he has his dog back for a couple of weeks (perhaps longer if he is stood down too) but I still went for my daily walk. The seafront was deserted unlike last weekend when it was like a bank holiday. There were only one or two other people obviously exercising like myself but a few more on bikes. They did not look like regular, or for that matter very confident, cyclists. Enjoy your weekend .... if you are still distinguishing one day from another.
  14. I’ve completely run out of soft toilet paper so it’s..... Self Izalation.
  15. Make sure that you do use balsa though. I tried the hardwood dowels available from the large hardware emporiums and the wire brush hardly touched them.
  16. Oh, good. One less hour to spend bottled up in the house.
  17. Not in the same league but my daughter was 'stood down' from the nursery where she works this afternoon because there aren't enough key worker/vulnerable children there to justify more than the manager an assistant manager being kept on. Hopefully the promised government support will kick in soon. Trying to convince her that things will be Ok in these unprecedented times and that when this all blows over the nursery numbers will return to normal and she can go back. I hope I sounded more confident than I felt.
  18. A professional with a string of lettuce after their name.
  19. Could he not just say that the slope is getting less steep?
  20. Earned some brownie points today by cleaning all downstairs windows, inside and out. Will earn a few more when I cook a Biryani later on. Trouble is there doesn’t seem any prospect of being able to cash them in..
  21. ..... and which websites did you visit to give them that idea?
  22. For future reference Chris, most hotels will beat booking websites’ price if you phone them directly. They don’t then have to pay the commission to the intermediary web site. Morning all Stay safe and well.
  23. I'm not disputing the seriousness of the situation or arguing for or against any particular course of action, I just wondered about the need for the words that I highlighted in bold.
  24. Given that it is well after 10 and I have received ‘deal of the day’ e-mails from other suppliers is it safe to say that they won’t be adopting the one closed, all closed position?
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